Meningioma Meningotheliomatous

Meningiomas are tumors of the cerebral membranes. These are benign tumors that are localized in the tissue of the arachnoid membrane of the brain - the dura mater. Such tumors come in different sizes and weigh from 3 ml or more.

Like any benign tumor, meningiomatous meningioma, in fact, is not a part of the arachnoid mater, reminiscent in its consistency, appearance and even histologically of the intercellular matrix of the arachnoid. Such neoplasms usually do not grow from the cells of the arachnoid layer, but grow through its trabeculae, i.e. are formed due to degeneration and mitotic reproduction of the cells of the cerebrum membrane themselves.

Meningiomatosis is a tumor of neuroectodermal origin, originating from the cells of the dura mater of the spinal cord (meningotheloid cells). Meningiomas are types of tumors of the membranes of the spinal cord and brain.

Meningioma forms an extensive focal lesion of the brain parenchyma, which is manifested by atrophy or disintegration of the brain substance in this area. Infiltration into the brain tissue is usually quite pronounced. Circular infiltration occurs less frequently in meningium-like tumors.

Various schemes have been proposed for the classification of meningioma tumors.