Aspergillosis of the Skin Infiltrative-Ulcerative

Aspergillus is a parasitic fungus that lives as an intracellular parasite. Aspergillus can only survive inside the host cell. The usual hosts of these fungi are rats and rodents, but their pathological hosts can be humans and other animals.

**Signs of infection** * General: loss of appetite and weight, fever, bone and muscle pain, abdominal pain, weakness, headache. * For infected mice, the main signs are severe disease, high mortality and a sharp increase in cases of disease after the premises are treated with antibiotics. Infected animals stop moving by the time the disease sets in and die soon after birth. The age period of greatest danger is clear, when the majority of females are infected. Asperagillosis in humans. Almost all people are at least asymptomatically infected with Aspergillus fumigatus. With an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis or pneumonia, some patients are diagnosed with a bronchopulmonary or pulmonary infection. There are complaints of cough, shortness of breath, body temperature remains normal or low-grade. The course becomes acute with high fever, cough, sputum mixed with blood. Extrapulmonary manifestations are added - pleurisy, acute renal failure, menin