Aspermatism Mechanical

Mechanical aspermatism (a. mechanicus) is one of the diseases of the male genital organs, which is characterized by the absence of sperm in the ejaculate due to a mechanical obstacle to its release. This is usually due to the presence of tumors, cysts, strictures (narrowings) of the urethra, congenital abnormalities, or complications from injury or surgery.

Symptoms of mechanical aspermatism may include decreased or absent ejaculation, pain in the urethra, difficulty urinating, increased tension during ejaculation, and problems conceiving.

To diagnose mechanical aspermatism, various methods are used, including ultrasound, radiography, computed tomography and others. Treatment may include surgery, such as widening the urethra or removing a tumor, as well as medications.

It is important to note that mechanical aspermatism can be a cause of infertility, so it is recommended to consult a specialist if you suspect this disease. He will conduct the necessary research and help determine the optimal treatment.

It should also be remembered that the prevention of diseases of the genital organs, including mechanical aspermatism, includes maintaining hygiene, regular medical examinations, reducing the risk of injuries and inflammatory processes in the genital area, as well as giving up bad habits.