Aspiration of Foreign Bodies

Aspiration of foreign bodies

A foreign body can be either organic or inorganic in nature.

Clinical picture.

As a rule, difficulty breathing, a sudden sharp cough (paroxysmal, whooping cough-like when a foreign body enters the trachea), cyanosis, and, less often, suffocation and loss of consciousness are observed. With complete obstruction of the lumen of the larynx by a foreign body, asphyxia and death occur. The dynamics of clinical manifestations depend on the movement and localization of the foreign body: atelectasis, chronic bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, lung abscess, possible pleural empyema.

The diagnosis is based on data from the anamnesis, clinic, laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy, and the results of x-ray examination. Determining a foreign body and its location is essential for developing therapeutic tactics.


Urgent removal of a foreign body. The best option is emergency delivery of the patient to an otorhinolaryngological or other specialized department.