When Hair Isn't Happy

It happens that women and girls have hair where they least like to see it: above the upper lip, on the chin, on the neck, chest, arms and legs. This phenomenon is called hypertrichosis and causes women a lot of grief. Most often, hairiness is congenital, however, the appearance of hairiness in teenage girls can be associated with diseases of the internal organs, so you definitely need to show the girl to an endocrinologist.

You should not pull out your hair, as this may increase hair growth. By the way, this should be remembered by both adults and elderly women who are trying to fight hypertrichosis in this way. Tanning is contraindicated, even under a quartz lamp; UHF should not be taken. It is better not to lubricate the places where unwanted hair has appeared with a nourishing cream with biostimulants, products that increase blood flow to the skin (Ginseng, Dreams...). Unless absolutely necessary, it is better not to use hormonal creams; this can only be done as prescribed by a doctor. Masks containing bodyaga and paraffin are contraindicated. Bleaching creams often cause increased hair growth.

How to deal with hairiness? Not with a razor or tweezers! The most effective way is electrolysis. During this procedure, the hair follicles are destroyed, and the hair grows slower, becomes brittle, its color becomes lighter, and the hair itself is not so noticeable. However, this procedure is performed only in cosmetic hospitals.

If you can't do electrolysis, try the next method. It is especially good if you need to remove hair on your legs and arms. Take 30-50 grams of 3% hydrogen peroxide, add half a teaspoon of ammonia to it. Dilute soap powder or shaving cream with this solution. Apply foam to areas of skin covered with hair. Let dry. Then rinse with warm water and powder. Repeat the procedure several times - gradually the hair will discolor, become thinner, and will not be so noticeable.

You can also try this method. Dissolve 10 pieces of sugar in a little water, add the juice of a quarter of a lemon and a small amount of honey. Apply the resulting mixture to areas of skin covered with hair and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and powder. This method can also help reduce hair growth and make it less noticeable.

But in any case, if you experience hairiness, it is better to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. They will be able to determine the cause of the hair and prescribe the most effective treatment. It is also worth paying attention to your lifestyle and diet, because some diseases and imbalances can be associated with poor diet and lifestyle.