
Bromeliads - Bromeliaceae. Parts used: fruit. Pharmacy name: pineapple juice - Ananas succus (formerly: Succus Ananas, Abacaxi).

Botanical description. The homeland of this herbaceous plant is apparently Central and South America, as well as the islands of the West Indies. There it is also found in a wild state (feral), although its various cultural forms are mainly grown. Pineapple is also cultivated in the tropics of Africa and Asia. The cultivated form of pineapple is a perennial plant with a rosette of leaves. The curved leaves have spines, mainly along the edges. In the third year, a peduncle grows from a rosette of leaves, bearing purple flowers at the top. What is commonly called a pineapple is a juicy large fruit.

Collection and preparation. Ripe fruits are collected, removed from the outer skins and the juice is squeezed out.

Active ingredients. The most important active ingredient is bromelain, an enzyme that normalizes impaired protein absorption. Along with it there is sugar, vitamin C and a small amount of essential oil.

Healing action and application. They mainly use isolated pure bromelain, which is included in a variety of drugs against gastrointestinal diseases, as it promotes the absorption of proteins. But juice - fresh or canned - helps digestion. Side effects are unknown, but food allergies cannot be ruled out if bromelain is absorbed.