Links of One Chain

Links of one chain

We all want to look attractive. What is "attractiveness"? For most people, it is physical appearance that includes natural beauty, neat clothing, and a graceful walk. But what kind of grace can we talk about if a person slouches? Agree, we pay attention to girls with bad posture, saying: “Look at her! She’s young and pretty, but her posture ruins everything.”

Our body is like links in one chain. An unattractive stoop leads to back pain, which, in turn, leads to other problems.

If you slouch, your chest disappears, it falls into the “hole” between your shoulders. Women begin to work hard on their pectoral muscles, but this has the opposite effect - the muscles pull their shoulders forward even more.

The solution is to “turn” your shoulders back with upper back exercises. Once the shoulders are back in place, you can determine whether additional stress on the pectoral muscles is needed. Often it is enough just to maintain their tone.

Imagine: a straight back, beautiful chest and a gait from the hip. On the other hand - admiring glances. To achieve this beauty, do this exercise:

Starting position - body tilted forward, back straight, abs tense, knees slightly bent, arms bent at the elbows, elbows turned to the sides.

As you inhale, pull your arms toward your chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together as much as possible. Try to keep your shoulders and elbows in line. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Avoid mistakes: round back, relaxed abs, straight legs, elbows back.

With a straight back and beautiful posture, good luck to you!