Asthenia Emotional

Emotional asthenia is a condition in which a person experiences sudden muscle weakness, resulting in an inability to move, speak, or keep their eyes open. This occurs in response to strong emotions such as laughter, anger, surprise or fear.

Emotional asthenia is one of the main symptoms of narcolepsy, a sleep disorder in which a person experiences episodes of sudden, irresistible sleep during the day. These sleep episodes can occur at any time, even while talking, eating, or walking.

When a person with narcolepsy experiences strong emotions, it can trigger an episode of emotional asthenia, causing sudden muscle weakness. The head and chin droop, speech becomes slurred, and the person is unable to move for several seconds or minutes.

After the episode of emotional asthenia ends, muscle strength is completely restored. Emotional asthenia can be effectively controlled with drug treatment for narcolepsy.