Asthenopia Flower

Color asthenopia should be distinguished from purely visual disorders: color blindness (chiropsia), night blindness or, on the contrary, light intolerance.

Asthenopia is usually understood as difficulty in vision as a result of tension in the accommodative muscles of the eye, manifested by double vision.

Asthenopic chromatic painful reaction of the eye to color vision, in which visual sensations deteriorate in different people at a certain brightness and color saturation. Occurs in case of damage to the visual apparatus or occurs as a consequence of psychophysiological reactions of the body. It is also noted during the study of color vision - chronoscopy. There are asthenopia and

Asthenopia chromatic (syn. adisparophia of color) - color fatigue with photopersia. It develops when choosing the wrong colors in the interior or during prolonged work with digital gadgets or household electrical equipment. This occurs due to overstrain of a person’s visual analyzers, leading to a decrease in visual acuity and general fatigue of the person. By correcting the lighting, it is possible to completely restore the normal function of the human cornea. To eliminate the disease, it is recommended to change the interior of the office, replace household appliances with incorrectly selected colors, and eliminate exposure to artificial light on the eyes. Treatment of the condition can be carried out using various methods and carried out both in an inpatient setting and on an outpatient basis.