
Title: Astigmatism

Astigmatism is an optical defect of the eye in which, due to the irregular curvature of the cornea or lens, light rays do not converge to one point on the retina, but are scattered, forming a blurred image.

Causes of astigmatism:

  1. Congenital abnormality of the shape of the cornea or lens.

  2. Acquired changes in the cornea after trauma, surgery, inflammation.


  1. Blurred vision at distance and near.

  2. Rapid eye fatigue.

  3. Headaches after visual stress.

Diagnostics is based on determining the difference in the refractive power of the eye in different meridians.


  1. Glasses with cylindrical lenses.

  2. Contact lenses.

  3. Surgical correction - keratotomy, laser correction.

With the correct selection of optical correction or surgical treatment of astigmatism, high visual acuity can be achieved.