
Insomnia is a general term for a variety of night sleep disorders: prolonged falling asleep, early awakening, frequent awakenings during the night and, finally, the complete disappearance of night sleep.

The causes of insomnia are varied: reactions to stress, neurosis, mental and endocrine diseases, abuse of psychotropic drugs, rapid change of time zones. Patients complain of difficulty falling asleep, very often they develop a “bedtime ritual” and a fear of “not getting sleep.”

If insomnia is caused by anemia, then bottles of hot water placed at the feet help. To normalize sleep, we recommend a walk before bed, a warm sweet drink just before going to bed (milk with honey or just sweet water with 4-5 pieces of sugar), decoctions and infusions of valerian root, motherwort, and hawthorn leaves. Before going to bed, a bath lasting 8-10 minutes is useful. at a water temperature of 36-38°.

Self-medication of sleep disorders with medications is extremely dangerous - all sleeping pills cause complications if used inappropriately. Therefore, if you have prolonged sleep disturbances, you should consult a doctor.

Insomnia is a condition in which a person experiences difficulty falling asleep or interrupted sleep, frequent awakenings and lack of alertness after sleep. Many people suffer from insomnia, especially during periods of stress, overwork or illness.

The causes of insomnia can be different. These may include physiological sleep problems such as chronic pain or extreme fatigue, psychological problems such as anxiety or depression, certain medications, and other factors. Insomnia can also be associated with disrupted sleep patterns, prolonged viewing of TV in bed, and excessive consumption of alcohol or caffeine before bed. Regardless of the cause, insomnia can have serious consequences for your health and quality of life. Insomnia can occur without any reason. It is not a disease and therefore does not require treatment. In a healthy person, insomnia occurs short-term and episodically, even if his sleep leaves much to be desired. But in patients with sleep disorders, most often you

Insomnia is a chronic sleep disorder that can occur in people of any age and gender. Insomnia affects one in three people worldwide and is one of the most common sleep health problems. What are the causes of insomnia and how to treat it?

One of the main causes of insomnia is stress. Work, family and other everyday worries can cause constant fatigue and sleep disturbances. Physical fatigue can make insomnia worse as people sleep longer and wake up early, which disrupts their circadian rhythm and makes them more tired. Additionally, working on a computer, using gadgets, and watching TV at night can also make it difficult to fall asleep. Stress and anxiety can lead to disturbing dreams that make it difficult for a person to relax and fall asleep.

Another cause of insomnia is poor nutrition. Eating dinner too late or drinking too much alcohol can disrupt a person's biorhythms and make it difficult to fall asleep. However, protein and magnesium deficiencies can also cause insomnia. Therefore, people suffering from insomnia are advised to eat more protein foods and foods rich in magnesium.

Circadian rhythm disorders can also cause insomnia and lead to sleep disturbances. For example, people who work night shifts often have trouble sleeping. Lack of sleep can also be a common cause of insomnia. People who sleep less than 5 hours a day tend to have trouble falling asleep, including insomnia. Improper sleep and rest patterns can also cause insomnia.

Many treatments for insomnia can be divided into psychological and pharmacological. Psychological treatment may include relaxation techniques, meditation and cognitive behavioral therapy. Pharmacological treatments may include antidepressants, tranquilizers and sleeping pills.

Although insomnia is a chronic problem, it can be greatly alleviated. If you have problems with insomnia, it is better to seek help from a specialist who can choose the most effective treatment method. Self-medication can lead to serious consequences, so it is important to turn to professionals.

Insomnia is a condition where a person cannot fall asleep or wakes up before dawn. It can be caused by a variety of reasons, including stress, depression, fatigue and physical illness. Insomnia can have serious consequences on your health and quality of life, so it is important to see a doctor at the first symptoms. In this article we will look at the causes of insomnia, methods of treatment and prevention of this disease.

Causes of insomnia

Primary insomnia is insomnia that is not associated with any disease or physiological disorder. The main causes of primary insomnia are stress, worry, anxiety, depression, alcohol and coffee abuse, smoking, poor sleep patterns and poor sleep hygiene.

Secondary insomnia occurs due to some existing physical or mental disorder. Such disorders include pathological conditions of the central nervous system, hormonal