Asthma Nasal

Nasal asthma is a not very common condition that affects many people around the world. This condition is caused by excessive narrowing of the nasal passages, leading to difficulty breathing and various symptoms. However, although this disease has some limitations in symptoms, its treatment can help people combat this problem and improve their quality of life. Here is a brief description of nasal asthma and its treatment.

Nasal Asthma: Causes and Symptoms Symptoms of nasal asthma may include intermittent stopping of breathing (apnea), wheezing, whistling, coughing and a feeling of nasal congestion. These symptoms may appear suddenly and last several minutes or hours. They can affect a person's ability to carry out activities of daily living, work or recreation. But if you suffer from asthma, it's important to remember that it can be treated and controlled. Causes of nasal asthma include allergies to various irritants such as dust and pollen, chronic use of nasal sprays, air pollution and genetic factors. It is important to remember that the diagnosis of asthma is based only on a patient's examination by a doctor, so it is best to consult a specialist if you suspect this disease. Treatment of nasal asthma in adults Inhalers are used to treat nasal asthma in adults.