Oxalic Succinic Acid

Oxalic-succinic (oxalic) acid is a tricarboxylic (tribasic) acid, which is one of the main components of the tricarboxylic (acylo-acidic) acid cycle. This cycle plays an important role in the metabolism and energy of humans, animals and plants.

Oxalic acid is formed as a result of the oxidation of oxaloacetate (coenzyme A) using the enzyme oxaloacetic transaminase. It then participates in the Krebs cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle), where it is oxidized to succinic acid.

Succinic acid is one of the most important tricarboxylic acids because it is an intermediate in the cycle that leads to energy production in cells. It also performs many other functions in the body, such as regulating pH, participating in protein synthesis, regulating metabolism and other processes.

In addition, oxalic-succinic acid can be used as a medicine for a number of diseases such as metabolic syndrome and diabetes. It can also be used in the cosmetics industry to create creams, masks and other skin care products.

In general, oxalic-succinic acid can be considered an important component of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and as a drug for a number of diseases. It plays an important role in the body and can be used in various industries and sciences.

Oxalic acid is called H2C2O4. This is a tricarbonate compound, which, like many others, is an organic compound. The name of this substance comes from the Latin language. There the word “oxalic” is written using the letters C, A, L. There are formulas for oxalic acid according to Mayer: Kobalat and Wurtz. The formula can also be written using the letter “H”. It will look like this: H(OOCCH2COOH)

What is oxalic acid? She is a tricarbonate substance. Its molecular weight is 126 g/