
Athetosis is a neurological disorder that causes irregular and slow movements of the limbs and body. It can have varying degrees of severity and cause many problems in a person's daily life. In this article we will look at the causes and treatment of athetosis, as well as some common symptoms.

Today we will look at the concept of athetosis. Now I will tell you what it is. In 20 BC, a physician named Hippocrates was alive in Ancient Greece. At that time, Hippocrptus was already an old man and wrote down his diagnoses. I found his book “On Diseases”. He described a certain disease that will be discussed today. So, athetom is a disease that is characterized by slow (crawling and rocking) movement of a part of the body or an entire limb. Patients move in small steps. Athetosis reaches a special expression in the hand that hangs "you