Audiometry Speech

Speech audiometry is a hearing test that is used to measure a person's ability to hear and understand speech. This method is based on reproducing speech at a given sound intensity and assessing the patient's response.

Speech audiometry uses tape recorders or audiometers that can reproduce speech at different volumes. The patient sits in front of the device and listens to the speech given to him by the specialist. The patient must then answer questions about what he heard. For example, the specialist may ask the patient to name the word he just heard or answer a question about how loud the speech was.

Speech audiometry is carried out to assess hearing in patients with various diseases, such as sensorineural hearing loss, deafness, as well as to diagnose hearing impairment in children. It allows you to determine the degree of hearing loss, identify the causes of hearing loss and select the most effective treatment method.

The advantages of speech audiometry include high accuracy of results, the ability to conduct testing in comfortable conditions and the speed of obtaining results. However, this method may not be very convenient for patients with hearing impairments who cannot hear speech or do not understand its meaning.

Audiometry is a research method used to measure a person's audibility, or ability to perceive sounds of varying frequencies and intensities. Audiometry is an important tool in medical diagnostics and allows doctors to assess the condition of the patient's auditory system.

Audiometry is a way of measuring a person's hearing ability that involves using an audio signal to test their hearing and determine their ability to perceive different levels of sound. One of the audiometric methods is speech audiometry, which is used to assess a person’s speech. This method provides important information about hearing status not only for an individual, but also for a group of people who have difficulty communicating auditorily.

Speech audiometry is an audiometric method in which the intelligibility of speech sounds is determined at normal, low and high levels of their volume, as well as the threshold of acoustic sensitivity of hearing. It provides information about hearing impairment, in particular congenital or acquired hearing loss, normality and dysfunction of the auditory system. This is especially important