
Autointoxication is a condition when the body poisons itself with toxic substances that it produces or receives from the outside. This can happen due to various factors such as poor diet, stress, illness, taking certain medications, etc.

Symptoms of autointoxication may include headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, loss of appetite, fever and others. If left untreated, autointoxication can lead to serious consequences such as damage to the liver, kidneys, heart and other organs.

To treat autointoxication, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence and eliminate it. For example, if the reason is poor nutrition, then it is necessary to change the diet and add more vitamins and minerals to it. If the reason is due to taking medications, then they need to be discontinued or replaced with safer analogues.

Also, various methods can be used to treat autointoxication, such as diet, exercise, massage, acupuncture and others. It is important to remember that self-medication can be dangerous and you should consult a doctor to get qualified help.

**Autointoxication** is poisoning of the body by external toxins of the person himself. Those. substances may have different origins. _The main signs of autointoxication are:_

_* Painful conditions that manifest themselves as severe weakness (chronic fatigue syndrome). * Dizziness, nausea and loss of appetite. * The appearance of inflammatory processes in the joints. * Vomit.

Autointoxication is provoked by taking various medications: syrups, drops, herbal decoctions. Herbal medicines cause similar symptoms to a certain extent