Autorefractor (Autorefractor)

An autorefractor (from the English autorefractor) is an optical device designed for objective and automatic determination of the refraction of the eye, that is, for measuring vision defects - myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism.

The principle of operation of an autorefractor is based on recording the movement of the eye when focusing on a test object, which moves along the optical axis of the device. As a result of analyzing eye movements, the autorefractor automatically selects spherical and cylindrical lenses that achieve the best focusing of the eye on the test object.

Compared to subjective refractometry methods, autorefractors have greater accuracy and reproducibility of results, do not require the active participation of the patient, and allow for rapid diagnosis. Autorefractors are widely used in ophthalmological practice for screening examinations and glasses selection.

An autorefractometer is a device that allows you to automatically determine the required correction for glasses. It is used to measure the refraction of the eye, which determines the refraction of light rays as they pass through the eye.

The operating principle of an autorefractometer is based on the use of light that passes through the eye and is reflected from mirrors. The light then passes through the prism and hits a photocell, which measures the amount of light passing through the eye. Based on these data, the autorefractometer calculates the necessary correction for the glasses lenses to correct the refraction of the eye.

Autorefractometers can be used both in medical institutions and in optical shops. They allow you to quickly and accurately determine the required correction for glasses, which greatly simplifies the process of selecting glasses.

However, autorefractometers are not a replacement for an optometric eye examination, which can also be carried out using special devices - optometrists. Optometry allows you to not only determine the necessary correction for glasses, but also identify possible vision problems, such as astigmatism or myopia.

Overall, autorefractometry is an important tool for eyeglass selection, especially for those who do not have the time or opportunity to visit an ophthalmologist. However, it cannot replace a full eye examination and should not be used as a substitute.


A device that allows you to refine the refractive correction of glasses is called an autorefractor. The operating principle of the device is based on the use of a camera and analysis of refractive rays formed when light passes through the eye area. Thanks to it, you can not only quickly diagnose and analyze the patient’s health status, but also eliminate the possibility of incorrectly selecting lenses or glasses