Aviation Medicine

Aviation medicine is a branch of medicine that studies the conditions of professional activity of specialists working in aviation and develops medical recommendations for maintaining health and increasing their performance. It also develops measures to ensure flight safety and prevent accidents.

One of the main areas of aviation medicine is the study of the impact of flight factors on the human body. The study identifies factors that can lead to deterioration in the health of a pilot or passenger. This may be due to changes in pressure, temperature, humidity, light and other parameters.

Aviation medicine also develops medical recommendations for pilots and passengers. These recommendations are aimed at maintaining health during long flights, preventing diseases associated with overload and changes in cabin pressure, and ensuring flight safety.

In addition, aviation medicine studies the effects of various technical means used in aviation on the human body. This may include exposure to noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields and other factors.

Thus, aviation medicine plays an important role in ensuring flight safety and maintaining the health of people working or traveling on airplanes. Her research and recommendations help prevent possible problems and improve the quality of life of people associated with aviation.

**Aviation medicine** is a branch of medicine that studies the conditions of professional and labor activity and develops medical recommendations (medical and technical) for maintaining health, improving the performance of flight and cabin crew, and ensuring flight safety.

This area of ​​medicine includes measures for occupational safety, prevention of psychophysiological and dental disorders of flight personnel and cabin crews, as well as eliminating the negative effects of aviation factors on the human body.

>Currently, experts in the field of aviation medicine are **looking for new ways of development** to improve the quality of air travel and protect passengers and crews. For example, aviation companies are already implementing machine learning technology to predict the risks of plane crashes and prevent their occurrence.