Avoid Queues

Avoid queues

Have you ever been so delayed in line at a doctor's appointment or at the post office that it was impossible to distract a capricious and dissatisfied child with anything? Do you know this unpleasant feeling when others look at you with condemnation: “What a child! What kind of parents!” Of course, you should try to avoid such situations, but sometimes it doesn’t even occur to you to ask those sitting next to you: “We will wait in the hall. Please call us from there.”

And in line, you can also ask your neighbors to hold your place while you take a walk with your child. Try to ensure that children do not have to languish in lines. Usually those around them are sympathetic to the child’s desire to warm up, but at the same time, of course, not under their feet, but somewhere else.

So, if the line is long, the waiting is tiring, and the child is naughty, go into the hall or outside, move around, run a race, play any game that will allow him to relax a little, for example, “Peter says...”, during which everything participants must repeat only those movements and commands of the leader that follow the words “Peter says...”.

You'll also feel relieved to let your child blow off some steam instead of jostling among the adults.

Little nothings of life
It's just one of those bad days - your child is in a terrible mood, and you can't entertain him. People around you begin to cast glances in your direction, the meaning of which you understand perfectly: “Why can’t this mother (or father) cope with the child?” But there is a way out: look at your child with complete amazement and say very loudly and expressively:

  1. Surely this mother should know how to get her child to behave better!

We promise you will feel relief.