
Autochthonous (Greek: ἀὐτόχθων, native) plants and animals are those that live in their natural range, without human intervention. They have their own characteristics and characteristics that distinguish them from other species.

Autochthonous plants and animals play an important role in ecosystems, ensuring biodiversity and sustainability of natural communities. They are the basis for many ecosystems as they provide food, shelter and other resources for other species. In addition, autochthonous species can be used as indicators of environmental conditions, as they are sensitive to changes in climate, pollution and other factors.

However, recently there has been a change in the living conditions of autochthonous species, which may lead to their extinction. This is due to climate change, destruction of natural ecosystems and other anthropogenic factors. Therefore, the conservation of indigenous plants and animals is an important aspect of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.

To preserve autochthonous species, it is necessary to conduct research and monitor their populations, create nature reserves and national parks, and ensure the protection of their natural habitats. It is also necessary to develop natural resource management systems and improve the environmental literacy of the population.

In general, the conservation of autochthonous organisms is of great importance for the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable development of our planet.

Autochthonous species of plants and animals and the importance of their protection for the conservation of ecosystems in changing climatic conditions.

Climate change is constantly happening in our world. With the onset of global warming, the living conditions of plants and insects are changing. The climate becomes milder, the frequency and severity of weather changes. Extreme weather is more possible in the future than ever before. This affects various aspects of life, including the conservation of biodiversity. Biodiversity and climate are inextricably linked. Climate instability can lead to deterioration of the living conditions of many plants, as a result of which they are threatened with extinction. The same applies to animals that need stable