Automatism Ideational

Ideatrium or ideational automatism is a conscious illusion of a struggle between two people, when one person feels an uncontrollable and one-sided impulse to violence against the other. It is one of many symptoms of schizophrenia that can affect both people in general and animals. And although some psychologists believe that ideatorium sometimes occurs in healthy people

Ideatorial automatisms (or idealistic disorders) are frequent obsessions that the patient himself does not consider obsessive. In other words, the patient thinks that his thought arose spontaneously, spontaneously. However, such thoughts are still obsessive for a person: their repetition gives them pleasure or discomfort. Usually such thoughts arise in response to the continuation of a conversation started by thoughts: that is, for example, when I think about what I need to do, a certain thought comes to me, I begin to think about it, then a second thought immediately arises, I think about it, and so on indefinitely. Many authors believe that obsessive behavior