Avulsion Bulb Oculi

Avulsio Bulbi Oculi: Description and Consequences

Avulsio bulbi oculi is a medical term that describes the complete separation of the eyeball from the orbit. This is a serious injury that can lead to vision loss and even loss of an eye.

Causes and mechanisms of eyeball avulsion can vary, including car accidents, falls from great heights, animal or human attacks, and certain medical procedures such as eye surgery.

Patients who experience eyeball avulsion often experience severe pain, bleeding, and blurred vision. If medical care is not provided promptly, infection, glaucoma, or other complications can occur that can lead to additional vision problems.

Treatment of avulsio bulbi oculi almost always requires surgery. The purpose of the operation is to return the eyeball to its place and restore its blood supply. In some cases, the eye may need to be removed to prevent further infection or other complications.

After treatment, patients who have experienced eyeball avulsion may need a long time to recover their vision and adapt to life with one eye. They may also need help from vision specialists, such as ophthalmologists or vision therapists, to learn new skills and techniques to improve their quality of life.

Overall, avulsio bulbi oculi is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. Treatment can be complex and lengthy, but with the help of modern surgical and rehabilitation techniques, many patients are able to restore their vision and return to normal life.

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A distinction is made between complete and incomplete crushing. In the second case, detachment of damaged tissue may be observed, which later grows back. In fact, this injury is related to military service.

What is Avulsio bulbooculi? - one of the most terrible eye injuries, leading to loss of vision. Its essence lies in the fact that the eyeball is torn in two and intraocular fluid flows through the rupture site. A cataract, that is, a hardened lens, is usually removed after its complicated course, that is, when secondary complications occur. Among them, the most common is retinal detachment, which begins from the site of injury. This is why every surgeon must master the technique of cataract removal. The fact that an injury occurs due to a ball hitting the eye is far from the biggest miracle. There are cases where the cause of cataracts in children was a blow to the child's forehead with a fist or a blow to the head on the side of the bathtub. Most often, children hit their forehead, shins, and chest glands on something hard. Therefore, cataract injuries can also be considered as a type of birth injury. It is known that newborn children often suffer injuries during childbirth through a narrow pelvis, but in almost all older children these injuries disappear without a trace. Severe injury often occurs in hernia surgery associated with the use of round uterine collars, a rigid cone, pressure bandages after surgery, etc. This happens because an adult makes a lot of effort in one direction or another to achieve the desired effect. If the size of the hernial protrusion is small, then the patient can easily cope with this force. The small size of a hernia is often the reason for the patient’s inaction, since he seeks medical help only when he cannot independently fasten clothes over his head or touch his chin with his tongue. With a large protrusion, patients are sometimes asked to go out onto the staircase of the entrance and there, going up, fasten or untie a belt, buttons or belt. Large hernias are often formed due to constant constipation and the development of weakness of the anterior abdominal wall. As the frontal diameter of the abdominal cavity lengthens, the peritoneal wall also stretches, and the muscular-fascial system only reduces this pressure. According to the law of communicating vessels, the intestinal wall comes under pressure, as a result of which a hernial orifice develops. All of the above