Axial syndrome

Axial syndrome is a term used to describe a joint disorder that is accompanied by spinal symptoms. It includes pain in the back, neck, shoulders and other parts of the spine, as well as decreased joint mobility. This syndrome can be caused by a variety of causes, including injury, infection, degenerative changes, and other diseases. In this article we will look at what axial syndrome is, what symptoms it causes and how to treat it.

Axial syndrome is a multisystem disease in which pain appears not only in a specific part of the spine in the lumbar or cervical region. This occurs due to impaired mineralization of the intervertebral discs (IVD): osteoporosis, fibrous degeneration of cartilage tissue, and narrowing of the openings of the intervertebral joints develop. At the same time, damage and compression of the nerves near the spinal cord can occur: ganglion, anterior branches of the sympathetic ganglia and spinal nerve roots.

Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPdL) or synovial instability OSL (Syndrome Syonofalnisia - SSNL) is a rare disease characterized by inflammation of the facets in the most functionally loaded areas cervical and thoracic spine and surrounding tissues.

It manifests itself as severe diffuse myelopathy, radicular syndrome, and spinal cord compression. Symptoms of compression lesions of the spinal column negatively affect the functioning of internal organs, paresis, paralysis of the limbs, muscle weakness develop, and the patient’s breathing rhythm is also often disrupted. The patient complains of pain in the back, neck, head, arms and legs, numbness of the limbs, paresis. Due to the severe course of the disease and significant restrictions in daily life, patients are often depressed with subsequent transition to other neurological diseases and have a low level of quality of life. The patient's chronic pain condition may be indicated by cognitive impairment, decreased performance and fatigue, symptoms of anxiety and depression. In the absence of timely medical care or treatment attempts, complete muscle atrophy is possible, leading to disability.

The disease can occur at any age: the first case was registered at the end of the 19th century.