Baby And Mom. First Hours of Life.

Baby and Mom. First Hours of Life.

In the delivery room, the woman in labor is shown the baby, lifting him high up to the lamp and spreading his legs: “Look who you gave birth to!” If you're lucky, they'll put you to your chest for a short time. A woman spends two hours after giving birth on a metal gurney in the corridor near the delivery room. Then she is transported to the ward and, with a graceful lifting of the side of the stretcher, she is thrown onto the bed.

After birth, the baby is separated from the mother for a time and undergoes certain procedures, called “processing” by obstetricians. Separating a child from his mother immediately after birth and performing various manipulations on him (eye drops, washing off vernix, stretching to measure growth, weighing, swaddling) leads to overload of his sensory systems, violates the sense of security, causing distress in the nervous system.

One can argue about the importance and appropriateness of the procedures performed. Instillation of a caustic solution into the eyes leads to temporary loss of vision and subsequent conjunctivitis. Wiping away the vernix dries out and peels the skin. Measuring weight and height can be postponed. Even if the birth was without complications, the next meeting between mother and baby will not be earlier than 5-6 hours after birth. There is nothing so important in maternity hospital procedures that it cannot be postponed for the sake of communication between the child and the mother.

An exception is resuscitation of a weak newborn. But even here it is better to act without separating him from his mother.

During the first contact with a child, a woman produces a motherhood hormone. The speed of the first acquaintance determines how good a mother she will become. Early introduction is the key to successful breastfeeding.

For a child, contact with his mother is of great importance. Experiments have shown that children deprived of maternal care are developmentally delayed.

Try putting your baby to your breast immediately after giving birth!

In the first hours and days, it is important for the family to be together. The child must establish connections with those closest to him - mom and dad.

It is better for grandmothers to join later, helping with housework. The final word belongs to the parents, not the older generation.

A newborn child is a member of a new young family. Parents must decide on a parenting style and consistently adhere to it.