Baldness, baldness

Baldness, Baldness: causes and treatment

Baldness or alopecia is a condition in which there is a sudden thinning or loss of all hair in some areas or on the entire scalp. Baldness can be caused by various reasons, including age-related changes, diseases and disorders in the body.

Hair thinning in old age is a physiological phenomenon associated with age-related skin changes and general aging of the body. However, premature baldness can occur at any age and is usually associated with some kind of health problem.

The most common cause of baldness is seborrhea, which occurs when metabolic processes in the skin and nutrition of the hair follicles are disrupted. Hair loss can also be associated with a lack of vitamins (in particular, A, C, B1, B8), chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, thyroid gland, gonads and nervous system.

Baldness can be a characteristic sign (symptom) of some infectious diseases, such as syphilis. During recovery, the thickness of the hairline is usually restored.

Increased hair loss can be caused by overwork, insomnia, stress, as well as certain hairstyles that put too much strain on the hair. In men, hair often thins prematurely, bald patches appear on the forehead and crown of the head; Usually, after a few years, the hair on the head falls out completely or remains only at the edge of the scalp. This type of baldness is often observed in relatives and is closely related to the hereditary characteristics of the structure of the skin (its thickness, blood supply, etc.).

There is also alopecia alopecia, which is associated with neuroendocrine disorders, intoxication of the body and other chronic foci of infection. The first signs of baldness appear as if suddenly in the form of the formation of a bald patch the size of a 15-20-kopeck coin, although hair loss had not been noticed before.

To treat baldness, you must consult a doctor who will determine the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment. In some cases, consultation with a trichologist may be required.

High-calorie foods rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins, as well as regular use of hair care products, contribute to normal hair growth. Depending on the cause of baldness, medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, head massage and other treatment methods may be prescribed.

In the case of hereditary baldness in men, the use of special medications containing minoxidil, finasteride or dutasteride may be recommended. However, these drugs have some side effects and should only be used after consulting a doctor.

You can also use peruks, wigs, hats and other means to hide baldness. In some cases, surgery may be recommended to restore hair.

In general, preventing baldness comes down to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular hair care, proper nutrition and timely consultation with a doctor at the first signs of hair loss.