
Balloting is a procedure for examining liquid-filled human body cavities in order to determine the size of an object floating in it.

This procedure is most often used during pregnancy. The doctor gently taps the wall of the uterus with your fingertips through the abdominal wall or vagina. This causes the fetus to move slightly away from the wall and then return back, transmitting a response push to the doctor’s hand.

This reaction of the fetus confirms that the increase in the size of the uterus is really associated with the presence of a child in it, and not with a tumor or any disease.

Using the balloting procedure, the doctor can also determine the size and position of the fetus in the uterus at different stages of pregnancy.

Balloting is an examination procedure that allows you to determine the size of an object floating in a human body cavity. This procedure is used to determine the presence of a fetus in the uterus during pregnancy.

The balloting procedure involves the doctor tapping their fingertips on the walls of the uterus through the abdomen or vagina. This causes the fetus to move away and then move back towards the wall of the uterus. The doctor records this blow and makes sure that the fetus is in the uterus and not in a tumor or some other disease.

Balloting is an important diagnostic tool that helps doctors detect the presence of a fetus in the uterus and prevent possible complications during pregnancy, such as ectopic pregnancy or premature birth.

Balloting is one of the methods for diagnosing pregnancy in the early stages. It consists of examining the fluid-filled cavities of the human body in order to detect the size of objects floating in them.

When performing balloting, the doctor can use various methods, such as tapping the wall of the uterus with fingers, palpation of the abdomen, auscultation, etc. The purpose of the procedure is to determine the size of the fetus in the uterus and its position.

One way to perform balloting is to tap the doctor's fingertips on the wall of the uterus. This causes the fetus to move away and return to its original position, transmitting a retaliatory blow to the doctor's hand. If the fetus is in the uterus, it will move in response to tapping, which indicates the presence of pregnancy.

Another way of performing balloting involves auscultation of the pregnant woman's abdomen. The doctor may hear the fetus moving inside the uterus during auscultation.

Thus, balloting is an important method for diagnosing early pregnancy, which allows the doctor to determine the presence of a fetus in the uterus.