Balneological Reaction Exacerbation

Balneological response (BR) is a physiological reaction of the body to the natural factors of a resort area, associated with stimulation or inhibition of the functions of organs and systems.

BD is the process of accumulation of positive and negative stimuli in the body. Therefore, BD is characterized by a variety of manifestations and variability of symptoms in response to a single treatment factor. The severity of the reactive response depends on the duration and nature of the sanatorium-resort complex of exposure and its sequence. Deficiency of solar radiation, as well as self-medication

Definition: Balneological reactions are the body’s biological reaction to the effects of balneological procedures. A distinction is made between balneological reaction (synonym - balneoclimatic reaction) and balneolimic reaction. The first form is a normal reaction of the body, typical for a healthy person located in a medical resort, health resort, etc. The second form, a compensatory reaction, is observed mainly after acute surgical diseases of the bile ducts, gallbladder, pancreas,