
Segmentectomy is a surgical operation that involves removing one or more segments of the lung, as well as surrounding tissue. This operation can be performed both for diagnostic purposes and for the treatment of various lung diseases.

Segmentectomy can be performed using a variety of techniques, including open surgery, endoscopic surgery, and laser surgery. In open surgery, the surgeon makes an incision in the skin and muscle of the chest to gain access to the lungs. He then removes the required lung segments and surrounding tissue. Endoscopic surgery uses a special instrument called an endoscope, which is inserted through a small incision in the chest. Laser surgery uses laser light to remove tissue.

Indications for segmentectomy may include various lung diseases, such as tumors, cysts, abscesses, tuberculous lesions, aneurysms and others. Segmentectomy may also be performed as preoperative preparation before more complex lung surgeries such as lobectomy or pneumonectomy.

After segmentectomy, patients may experience some complications such as hemorrhages, infections, bleeding and breathing problems. However, modern methods of surgery and anesthesia make it possible to reduce these complications to a minimum.

Overall, segmentectomy is an effective treatment for lung diseases and can be used in a variety of clinical situations. However, before performing this operation, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the patient and discuss all possible risks and benefits with him.

A segmentectomy is the removal of one or more segments of the lung.

Segmentectomy is performed for tuberculosis, tumors and cysts of the lungs, abscesses and bronchiectasis, as well as in the presence of foreign bodies and other pathological processes in the lung.

The following types of segmentectomy are distinguished:

– segmentectomy within one segment

– segmental resection

– atypical (atypical resection)

– lobectomy (removal of a lobe of the lung).

Depending on which segments of the lung are removed, the following types of segmentectomies are distinguished:

  1. Upper segmentectomy – removal of the upper lobe of the lung.
  2. Middle segmentectomy - removal of the middle lobe of the lung.
  3. Lower segmentectomy - removal of the lower lobe of the lung.