Frey's bundle

Currently, there are a huge number of different sports around the world. Each person can choose what he likes and do it for health and pleasure. However, among all these areas, one can single out one that is unique in its content and has no analogues. We are talking about the Frey beam - a pain relaxation technique that appeared in the 90s of the last century.

What is a Frey Bundle? A Frey Bundle is a technique for releasing deep muscle tension. This type of massage helps relieve tension and remove pain by applying pinpoint pressure with a finger to the area of ​​the transverse capitis muscle, located in the scalp. This region is called the Frey beam. The Frey beam concept is aimed at combining therapy, recreation and sports training in one seamless complex. This approach allows you to relieve stress and improve your well-being.

How does a Frey beam work? The technique works by releasing fibers in all the muscles of the head, including the muscles of the jaw, nose, scalp and forehead. This helps improve blood circulation in the head, strengthening blood vessels and nerves, so this method can be useful in treating migraines, headaches and blood pressure problems. The procedure begins with the patient sitting on a chair with a backrest. He puts his head on his fist, and places the fingers of his other hand on a point at the very tip of his ear, located at the base of the ear under the jaw, and presses on it for 30 seconds. After this, you need to relax your head, placing it on your palm and gently turning it towards your shoulder. Rest for 5 minutes. At the end of the session, you should wash your face and drink a glass of water. The procedure is repeated 5 times at a rate of one session every three days. An important point is that you should not talk or drink water during the session. In principle, even these few pieces of information from his technology make it clear how useful, effective and unique the technology is. But, like any other treatment method, it has its limitations and contraindications. For example, if you have high blood pressure or high intracranial pressure, this session is not recommended. In addition, it is not possible to carry out