Banana face mask for wrinkles under the eyes at home quickly

Is there a lonely sweet banana turning yellow in a basket on the table? Don't eat it all - it's high in calories and it's dangerous for your waistline.

Save half for facial care! After all, sweet fruit pulp is a delicacy for both the stomach and the skin.

Why does the skin love fruit?

Banana is a storehouse of beneficial substances that the skin loves so much. It contains ascorbic acid, which promotes collagen production.

Tocopherol prolongs youth and prevents cell aging. There are also minerals here - iron, phosphorus, calcium.

A banana mask will instantly remove wrinkles. It has moisturizing, nourishing, smoothing properties, and is especially useful during the period of aging, with increased pigmentation and dryness.

Since a banana for external use is contraindicated only in case of personal intolerance to the product, any woman can amuse herself with masks made from it.

Wrinkles, get out!

There are many recipes for masks made from this fruit that even out skin texture and remove the first signs of aging. There are many banana based recipes. Here are the most effective ones, including for the area around the eyes.

For face

Signs of approaching decline frighten women who always want to look younger than their age. The homemade cosmetics that we offer to prepare meet these needs.

By the way, even pure fruit pulp applied to the face and neck already brings results.

This banana face mask against wrinkles - a real find. It will improve the health of both dry and oily skin, since it simultaneously rejuvenates and cleanses pores and eliminates dead cells of the stratum corneum. To prepare it, take:

  1. gelatin - 0.5 tsp;
  2. activated carbon - 1 tablet;
  3. puree half a banana.

First start with the base. To do this, add a little mineral water to the gelatin and place the dish in the microwave to obtain a gel-like substance. Activated carbon is ground into powder, added to puree, and stirred. When the gelatin has cooled slightly, combine all the components and apply them in two layers, leaving for 10-15 minutes.

It only takes one movement of your hand to remove the mass, as it hardens like jelly.

The composition is indicated for excessive dryness of the face and contains the appropriate components. In addition to the crushed pulp of one banana, take:

  1. egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  2. olive oil - 1 tsp.

The duration of the procedure is up to 15 minutes.

If you add white clay to the composition, the product can be used to cleanse oily skin.

If you treat your skin with such homemade cosmetics, then after a few weeks the woman will look ten years younger. The following components are needed:

  1. apple, banana - ½ part of the fruit;
  2. honey - 5 ml;
  3. milk - 15 ml.

The apple is grated, the banana is mashed, and the ingredients are combined. Then honey and milk are added. Leave the mixture on the face for 20 minutes, then wash with warm milk and cool water. The product is suitable for daily use.

This composition will provide a lifting effect. It will require the following components:

  1. 1 tsp. grated ginger root;
  2. puree one apple and banana;
  3. 15 ml of vegetable oil - avocado, olive or wheat germ.

The products are combined and applied to the face. After 20 minutes, wash. This mask is made twice a week, the course is one month.

It is also suitable for those who have a “swollen” oval face, and is suitable even for oily skin types. To do this, you need only two ingredients - banana puree and potato starch, which are combined in equal volume parts. The mass is kept on the face for 20 minutes. For a visible effect, 15 procedures performed every other day will be required.

If you need to quickly get yourself in order, then sessions are arranged daily, but no longer than 3-5 days.

Honey is often added to banana masks for wrinkles - it softens, nourishes, and disinfects. Some cosmetologists suggest combining a banana (one medium) and honey (15 ml) with cream with a fat content of 20% (30 ml). This component will eliminate pigmentation, heal minor skin damage, and contains retinol, which is also called the vitamin of youth. Calcium and potassium increase the strength of cell walls and prevent moisture from escaping.

For crow's feet and bruises

Fashionistas and cosmetologists have come up with more than one banana mask around the eyes against wrinkles. Here are the most interesting recipes - simple and complex, which will help cope with aging eyelid skin.

This remedy acts quickly, showing instant results. To do this, you will need butter (1 tsp) and banana pulp (1 tbsp), which are mixed well. The product is left on the face for 20 minutes. The effect of a banana eye mask against wrinkles is noticeable after 20 procedures, which are carried out every three to four days.

In this recipe, instead of butter, take sour cream (15 ml) and one raw yolk, as well as a tablespoon of banana puree. Action time: 20 minutes. The course includes 20 procedures with an interval of one day.

This exotic guest of our diet will also cope with dark circles under the eyes that arise due to lack of sleep, stress, and poor health. You need to prepare:

  1. Chopped half of a banana;
  2. Olive oil, sour cream - 10 ml each.

An application of a mixture of products is applied to the skin around the eyes and washed after 30 minutes.

Banana mask for wrinkles around the eyes will receive stronger whitening properties if cucumber is added to it. It is mixed in half with the crushed pulp of a tropical fruit. For the skin to be saturated with moisture and brighten, just wait 5-10 minutes and then wash.

Taking proper care of your face

In order for masks to bring only benefit and not harm, they should be prepared and applied correctly. Here are the key points to keep in mind.

For applying to the face, as well as for eating, choose only the ripest and freshest fruits, otherwise the risk of allergies increases. It is advisable not to mash the puree with a metal fork, as the product oxidizes.

If the mask contains other food products (for example, sour milk, sour cream, yolk), then they must be of the highest quality and fresh. It is also important to pay attention to their shelf life: the shorter it is, the fewer preservatives it contains. It is even better that the composition does not contain anything unusual for this product (dyes, sweeteners).

To make banana masks for aging skin last longer, cover the face with a film or damp cotton cloth folded in several layers to prevent drying out.

An eyelid skin mask is applied along the edges of the eye socket. The product prepared for the face should not affect the area around the eyes and lips, since the skin there is very delicate and requires special care.

After the end of its effect, wash off the mask alternately with warm and cold water. Then wipe the face with tonic and apply cream. You should be especially careful when treating the skin around the eyelids, trying not to stretch or rub it when washing.

For washing, it is better to use herbal infusions or decoctions according to your skin type.

Personal opinion: inside or outside?

Does a banana face mask help against wrinkles? Reviews indicate that the attitude towards it is ambiguous.

Most respondents believe that banana is good for the skin and as a cosmetic product. However, there are those who consider such care to be pampering.


“I make banana cream masks all the time, sometimes I also put honey in them. The face then looks fresh, a blush appears. After regular use for several weeks, even the texture of the skin changed and wrinkles smoothed out.”


“I made a mask from an unripe banana a couple of times, and I didn’t like the effect. To be more precise, he was not there. It’s another matter if I take ripe or even overripe pulp. I noticed the most powerful rejuvenation in combination with fermented milk products.”

“The principle of “cheap and cheerful” did not work. Yes, it’s budget-friendly, but I didn’t notice any obvious effect on the skin. If there is a result, it is visible only under a microscope. Can this be called rejuvenation?

Despite negative reviews, which are rare, banana is a popular product in the beauty industry. Many cosmetics for facial skin care are prepared on its basis. And before taking a position on one side of the discussion, it is better to test the effect of the recipes on yourself (if you are not allergic to the components). What if among them there is exactly the one you have been looking for for a long time or you need to replace just one ingredient?

Useful video

Nourishing face mask.

Banana is unique in its composition, so a face mask with banana for wrinkles, created at home, will be an effective way to preserve beauty and youth.

30 years ago, there were no abundant bunches of bananas on store shelves. The tropical fruit was in short supply. Today you can eat it to your heart's content. Enterprising people who care about their health use the fruit for rejuvenating and healing activities. Banana masks are one of them.

The benefits and effectiveness of using banana in face masks

The secret of this tropical fruit is in its ingredients. Even on their own, they are of great benefit. The banana, which is a natural laboratory that combines many useful substances at once and makes them, interacting harmoniously, benefit living organisms, contains the following:

  1. Phylloquinone is a coagulant created by nature itself, capable of removing bruises that form under the eyes and spider veins. This is all thanks to the loan contracting properties of phylloquinone.
  2. Beta-carotene, an antioxidant that performs a whole range of important tasks:
  3. smoothing of the skin;
  4. replenishment of the epidermis;
  5. rejuvenation of dermal cells.
  6. A vitamin complex consisting of representatives of group B, which create powerful protection against the formation of acne and pimples.
  7. A trio that includes vitamins A, E and C. For many centuries, the Trinity has successfully fulfilled the task of prolonging youth, as it is able to slow down the process of withering of the dermis, while simultaneously increasing its immunity.
  8. Iodine, potassium, zinc and other substances are necessary for any living organism.

Based on the above, you can understand why banana masks not only smooth out wrinkles, but also eliminate any inflammatory processes that develop on the skin.

The dermis, under the influence of tropical fruit components, becomes smooth, its tone is evened out, and a feeling of light radiance is created. The following processes occur:

  1. establishing intercellular exchange;
  2. fine wrinkles disappear quickly;
  3. pigmented areas of the skin are lightened;
  4. dryness goes away;
  5. the withering process stops.

Did you know that if you consume bananas excessively as food, you can get overweight? The fact is that the tropical fruit is high in calories.

Are there any contraindications?

A homemade banana face mask is a universal remedy. By combining tropical fruit with other ingredients, you can easily choose a composition that will be ideal for a certain skin type and can solve problems of a given age. The main thing you need to remember is that even such a harmless natural gift as a banana can cause an allergic reaction.

If you don’t know whether you are allergic to a particular natural component, do a susceptibility test:

  1. Create a fruit paste.
  2. Apply the composition to the skin around the wrist.
  3. You wait 10-15 minutes.
  4. You wash it off.

If you did not experience any discomfort during the waiting period, and no visible changes occurred on the skin, you can apply the composition to your face.

We invite you to watch a review of the banana mask:

Best face mask recipes using banana

We offer you several proven effective recipes for masks that include banana.

Honey compositions

An excellent anti-aging remedy is a face mask that includes banana and honey. The recipe is:

  1. Melt a teaspoon of honey in a water bath.
  2. Rub the yolk into the resulting liquid consistency.
  3. Add sour cream (fat content at least 20%).
  4. Grind the resulting mixture with half a medium-sized banana.

Apply the fresh product to your face and rest for 10 minutes, and then wash with cool water. For greater effectiveness, you can wash your face with chamomile-calendula infusion.

All that remains is to moisturize the dermis with your favorite cream.

Another recipe for a face mask with banana and honey involves the use of oatmeal.

Preparing the ingredients:

  1. grind a banana and mix with two teaspoons of cream, preferably thick and thick;
  2. grind the flakes in a coffee grinder;
  3. Melt honey (a large spoon) in a water bath.

Add the prepared ingredients to the melted and cooled honey and mix. Keep this mask for 25-30 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Almond composition

A good preventative against wrinkles around the eyes is a mask using almonds. It includes only 3 components:

  1. almond oil - a teaspoon;
  2. chicken yolk;
  3. banana pulp - 1 tablespoon.

Preparation of the composition begins by heating the almond oil. In the next step, 2 other components are added. The mixture must be stirred vigorously until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

The product is applied to problem areas for at least 20 minutes, and then removed with a damp cotton sponge dipped in milk.

This is a good product for those over 50. 2 weeks of regular use is enough for you to notice how the skin around the eyes tightens and becomes smoother, firmer and more elastic.

Composition with lemon and starch

Another homemade drug can be a salvation from wrinkles that appear after 35 years. You will need:

  1. 1 tablespoon each of slightly warmed water and starch;
  2. white of 1 egg;
  3. half a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  4. a third of a banana.

Starch is poured into the bottom of a small container and filled with heated liquid. The components are mixed until a sticky consistency is formed. At the next stage, juice and protein are poured in. After mixing again, the fruit is rubbed into the mask.

You need to keep the homemade product on your face for about 10 minutes, then rinse with water.

The described recipe, in addition to fighting wrinkles, relieves the dermis of oily sheen and relieves inflammation.

The simplest anti-wrinkle recipe

Here is another mask with banana for the face and skin around the eyes, which is extremely simple to make:

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of butter. Make sure it is a pure natural product.
  2. Mix the oil with pre-prepared banana pulp - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture with patting movements to problem areas.
  4. Relax and rest for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Wash off the composition.

This is useful: remember that when taking care of your body, you should always think about the good and try not to stress. The more relaxed you are, the more effective the product you use will be.

Products to combat dry skin

If your skin dries out quickly and is prone to flaking, a banana face mask for dry skin is a great solution. The 3 most commonly used recipes are:

  1. Take the same amount of fruit pulp and almond oil. Vitamins in ampoules are driven into the prepared mixture. You can apply the product only after it has been left for half an hour in a warm room.
  2. The fruit, ground to a homogeneous pulp, and the juice squeezed from aloe leaves are mixed in equal parts. Thanks to the composition, the dermis is not only nourished, but also treated and strengthens the immune system.
  3. Grind a banana with olive oil and then mix with sugar.

Thanks to the use of these recipes, you will retain moisture and nutrients obtained from the substances used in the deep layers of the dermis.

Mask “Minus 10 years”

The composition with ginger and banana gives excellent rejuvenation results. Preparation takes place according to the following algorithm:

  1. Take 1/3 of a well-ripened fruit, but not yet covered with brown spots, and mash it into a paste.
  2. Add ginger powder (a teaspoon) and fresh ginger juice (a teaspoon), as well as olive oil (2 teaspoons) to the mixture. Oil can be replaced with another to taste.
  3. Add the egg yolk to the mixture and mix vigorously. The mixture should become creamy.

Applying the mask occurs in several stages. Let the first layer dry and apply another 2-3 layers. After the procedure, rest for 15 minutes, then soak the mask and rinse with cool water.

The face, neck and décolleté area are treated. At the end of the process, the usual nourishing and moisturizing agent is applied to the dermis.

Combination of banana and apple

To combat recurrent changes, improve complexion and tighten pores, you can prepare a mask containing apple and lemon juice. This is done as follows:

  1. Take one tablespoon each of banana and apple puree.
  2. Squeeze 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  3. Beat the egg white well.
  4. Mix all the listed ingredients.

Keep the product on your face for 15 minutes. It is not advisable to apply to the area around the eyes.

The recipes listed are only a small fraction of what modern women use at home for rejuvenation. You can come up with your own compositions and experiment. Banana goes well with almost all fruits. Most importantly, before use, do not forget to test for sensitivity to the substances introduced into the recipe.


Tropical fruits can be purchased at the supermarket all year round. A homemade banana face mask against wrinkles is an affordable and highly effective remedy for combating skin aging. Having spent a little time making it, applying it and keeping it on your face, you will soon feel how youth is returning.

We all dream of staying young and beautiful for as long as possible. In pursuit of smooth skin, women and men resort to botulinum toxin injections and plastic surgery. But there are more useful ways to maintain youth. If you start making banana-based masks early, you can prevent premature age-related changes.

Beneficial properties of banana for skin

Banana has the following skin benefits:

  1. Protective. Vitamins A and C, which are contained in the fruit, protect the body from bacteria and viruses.
  2. Rejuvenating. Regular use of banana in facial skin care helps slow down the aging process and prevent the formation of wrinkles. The fact is that the fruit contains antioxidants. In addition, banana contains magnesium and sodium. The last two elements are involved in collagen synthesis.
  3. Anti-inflammatory. The B vitamins in bananas help fight pimples.
  4. Calming. The pulp of the fruit relieves redness and restores irritated skin to its proper form.
  5. Tonic. Vitamin E, which is contained in bananas, makes the skin fresh and rested.
  6. Emollient. The skin after a banana mask is very pleasant to the touch. The fruit contains iron, which softens even the driest epidermis.
  7. Regenerating. Thanks to banana masks, the skin renews itself more often and faster, making the face look fresher and younger.
  8. Brightening. Banana helps reduce and sometimes completely eliminate age spots and freckles.
  9. Vascular strengthening. Thanks to this property, banana helps reduce the manifestations of rosacea.

Interestingly, banana does not irritate even overly sensitive skin. Fruit-based masks can be applied to the lips and area around the eyes.

Recipes for anti-aging face masks based on bananas

There are many recipes for anti-aging masks based on the sweet fruit. It is necessary to take into account that the banana for the procedure must be selected as ripe as possible: bright yellow with a brown dot.

With yogurt

  1. 1 banana;
  2. 1 tsp honey;
  3. 2 tbsp. natural yogurt;
  4. oat flour.

Preparation and application details:

  1. The banana must be pureed in a way convenient for you: with a blender or a fork.
  2. Stir honey and yogurt into the resulting slurry.
  3. Add enough oatmeal to the mixture to obtain a substance with the consistency of thick porridge.
  4. Apply the product to the face using a sponge, brush or fingers.
  5. The procedure can be performed 1-2 times a week. Once every two months, take a break for 10 days and resume sessions if necessary.

With orange

  1. half a banana;
  2. 1 slice of orange.

Preparation and application details:

  1. Grind the fruit in a blender or in any convenient way.
  2. Combine the ingredients.
  3. Gently apply the resulting paste onto your face.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, remove any remaining product using a damp swab.
  5. Perform the procedure 2 times a week for a month. Then take a break for a week and repeat the sessions if necessary.

With lemon

  1. half a banana;
  2. 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

Preparation and application details:

  1. Puree the banana using a blender or fork.
  2. Add lemon juice to the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly.
  3. Apply the product to your face.
  4. After 15 minutes, wash with cool water.
  5. Apply moisturizer to your face.
  6. Conduct a session once a week. Every two months, be sure to take a break for 10 days.

With milk

Preparation and application details:

  1. Grind the fruit in a blender or on a grater.
  2. Add milk to the banana pulp and mix thoroughly.
  3. Apply the resulting product to your face for a quarter of an hour.
  4. After the time has passed, remove the remnants of the mask with cotton wool soaked in milk.
  5. Perform this procedure once a week on a regular basis.

With egg

  1. half a banana;
  2. 1 raw egg;
  3. 1 tsp unrefined vegetable oil (preferably olive oil).

Preparation and application details:

  1. Mash the banana with a fork or in a blender.
  2. Separate the yolk from the white. Mix the first one with oil in a separate container.
  3. Combine banana pulp and egg-oil base.
  4. Using a brush or sponge, apply the resulting product to your face.
  5. After 15 minutes, wash with lukewarm water.
  6. Carry out the session once a week. There is no need to take breaks.

With gelatin

  1. 1 tbsp. gelatin;
  2. 4 tbsp water;
  3. 1 tbsp. milk;
  4. half a banana.

Preparation and application details:

  1. Puree the banana using a blender or fork.
  2. Heat the milk without bringing it to a boil.
  3. Pour gelatin over warm milk and mix thoroughly.
  4. Cover the container with the mixture with a lid.
  5. After 15 minutes, mix the banana pulp with the gelatin base.
  6. Apply the resulting substance to your facial skin.
  7. After half an hour, wash your face with plain water.
  8. Use nourishing cream.
  9. Perform the procedure once a week regularly.

Gelatin contains collagen, which helps restore skin elasticity.

With sour cream

Preparation and application details:

  1. Grind the fruit in a blender or using a fork.
  2. Mix banana mixture with fermented milk product.
  3. Apply the resulting substance to your face using a brush or sponge.
  4. After a third of an hour, wash with lukewarm water.
  5. Conduct a session once a week on an ongoing basis.

Choose sour cream for the mask depending on your skin type. The drier the latter, the fattier the product should be.

From banana peel

  1. peel of one banana;
  2. 5 ml avocado oil;
  3. 5 ml aloe juice.

Preparation and application details:

  1. Grind the peel using a blender.
  2. Combine the resulting mass with oil and juice.
  3. Apply the substance to your face using a convenient method.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, wash with cool water.
  5. Do this procedure no more than once a week. Course - 10 sessions. Then stop for 7 days and continue if necessary.

Banana peel contains vitamins A, B and C. Thanks to its rich chemical composition, the product effectively cleanses the skin and reduces fine wrinkles.

With soda

Preparation and application details:

  1. Pass the banana through a grater or grind the fruit in a blender.
  2. Add turmeric and soda to the mixture.
  3. Apply the mixture onto your face using patting movements.
  4. After a third of an hour, wash with warm water.
  5. Use the mask once a week. Course - 10 procedures. Then take a break for 7 days and repeat the sessions.

With yeast

  1. half a banana;
  2. 1 tsp dry yeast;
  3. 1 tsp milk;
  4. water.

Preparation and application details:

  1. Puree the banana using a fork or blender.
  2. Combine the yeast with a little water.
  3. Add milk and banana puree to the resulting substance.
  4. Apply the resulting product to your face.
  5. After a quarter of an hour, wash with plain water.
  6. Use moisturizer.
  7. Conduct sessions once every 10 days. There is no need to take breaks.

A mask based on yeast and banana not only rejuvenates the skin, but also dries out minor inflammations.

Video: banana mask against wrinkles around the eyes

Features of choosing a mask

There are certain features in choosing a mask depending on age and skin type.

By skin type

Of course, some masks are only suitable for certain skin types. For dry use, formulations containing fatty components are required:

  1. vegetable oils;
  2. sour cream;
  3. milk from 2.5%;
  4. yogurt.

For oily skin, masks with the following ingredients are suitable:

Banana masks with the addition of eggs and gelatin are universal. This means that the formulations are perfect for any skin.

As for the mixed type, an individual approach is required. Ideally, you should apply a mask with the addition of lemon, orange, soda or yeast to oily areas. It is recommended to lubricate dry areas with mixtures containing vegetable oils, sour cream, milk or yogurt. This way the color and structure of the skin will become uniform.

Depending on age

There are no age recommendations for banana masks. The compositions can also be applied to adolescents, but in this case the product will have an exclusively nutritional effect. As for older people, try to do the procedures regularly so that the effect becomes noticeable. Try several formulations and choose the one that suits you best.


Despite the fact that banana is a natural product, masks based on it still have some contraindications:

  1. individual intolerance to the fruit;
  2. allergy to one of the components of the mask.

To avoid an unpleasant skin reaction, an allergy test must be performed before using the composition. To do this, apply the prepared mask to your wrist. If irritation does not appear after an hour, feel free to use the product.


You can apply only one banana pulp to the skin, but I prefer to make a banana + sour cream mask. This mask moisturizes the skin well and thanks to it, the complexion improves. In addition, wrinkles have become less noticeable.


Using bananas in the form of masks significantly improves the appearance of the skin. Wrinkles are reduced, complexion is evened out. I made a banana mask with honey and sour cream. The effect is amazing.


Banana-based masks are an effective remedy for softening and rejuvenating facial skin at home. It must be remembered that the compositions have contraindications. If you don’t have the latter, be sure to try banana masks. With regular use, the results should surprise you.