Is it possible to go to the solarium after peeling?

According to cosmetologists, after tanning you will have to temporarily change your self-care routine and give up peeling. This is especially true for medium, deep and with the use of aggressive abrasive particles. After sunbathing, the skin is in a state of stress, it is dry, thin and very sensitive. Recovery time varies from person to person and is also influenced by the place of rest.

Marine ultraviolet radiation acts quite aggressively on the skin. He destroys her protective barriers. After the beach, the skin is always inflamed and slightly red. As a result of the burn, the dermis is very susceptible to all kinds of procedures. In this case, even products for sensitive, delicate and problematic skin will not be suitable.

You should start peeling the dermis after sunbathing at sea only when it has completely recovered.. She should calm down, during which time all redness and inflammation will subside. Peeling should disappear, since it cannot be removed artificially. For some, the recovery period may take about a week, for others it will take almost a month.

The deeper the peeling, the more time should pass between the procedure and tanning.. For salon treatments (ultrasound, medium, deep) it will take about three weeks.

As for home treatments such as coffee, oatmeal, sea salt, enough time should also pass. They have sharp edges that mechanically clean the surface of the skin. This effect is too aggressive for the irritated dermis.

It is especially not recommended to exfoliate between trips to the beach. This is dangerous for the health and beauty of the skin.

Ultraviolet in solarium is an even more aggressive factor for the skin. It greatly promotes the expansion of pores. After a course of solarium, she becomes very susceptible to various cosmetics and procedures.

Conduct body peeling after tanning in a solarium should only be done after 1-1.5 monthswhen the skin is completely restored. Even after a superficial one, it’s worth waiting a couple of weeks. All this time it is better to make special moisturizing and regenerating masks.

The main condition for peeling after tanning is nutrition and hydration after the procedure.. To do this, you need to use creams and balms with the maximum effect of restoring water balance, with vitamin E, group B. Moisturizing masks are also good.

After tanning, the skin dries out greatly, collagen and elastin fibers are destroyed. Therefore, peelings are needed for rejuvenation. They remove the top layer of skin, stimulate cell renewal, which ultimately stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. The dermis becomes smoother, softer, and fresher. Therefore, after recovery, it is even advisable to carry out procedures.

Hardware peeling will help achieve a long-term effect. ultrasound or laser. Depending on the client’s age, you can choose:

  1. Light, superficial, eliminates dead skin cells. This is suitable for dry skin with flaking and roughness. It is usually performed with a laser to remove freckles, hyperpigmentation and small wrinkles. To level the relief, dermabrasion is used, which removes only the top layer of cells with special brushes.
  2. The middle one is suitable if deeper creases have intensified. It removes the top layer of the dermis - the papillary layer.
  3. Deep is performed to remove wrinkles and scars. He already removes two layers of the dermis - papillary and reticular. The first procedure allows you to evaluate a positive result.

Exfoliating after sunbathing will help tidy up your skin. It will make it more even and smooth.

Homemade peeling (scrub) for skin with anti-aging effects:

  1. With sugar. The product is combined with honey or natural yogurt and blended in a blender. The mixture should be applied to the skin, covered with film and left for half an hour. After rinsing with cool water, apply moisturizer.
  2. With coffee. The grains are crushed or brewed into a drink and then used. The scrub should be applied to the entire body within a few minutes. It helps fight cellulite.
  3. With sea salt. The crystals are ground in a blender to powder and mixed with citrus essential oil. Massage clockwise from bottom to top for 3-5 minutes.

Chemical peeling after sunbathing carried out in a gentle manner. To do this, use acids with a concentration of no more than 30%. Externally, such peeling does not cause obvious damage, but it affects the deep layers of the dermis. Acids penetrate into the lower layers, where the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers is accelerated, and the process of regeneration and rejuvenation is launched. Suitable for young dermis and those undergoing the first age-related changes.

The procedure can be carried out at home using various berries and fruits. Suitable: strawberries, kiwi, citrus fruits, apples, bananas, currants, raspberries. The products are cut into pieces or mashed into purees and applied to the face and body. Leave the masks on for 10-15 minutes. After rinsing, you should always apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Cleansing after-sun peeling carried out in the salon using acids. Pineapple and papaya enzymes remove the upper, keratinized layer of cells and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Glycolic, lactic and citric acids are used for peeling at a concentration of 15%. They act gently and do not cause negative consequences, cleanse pores, restore the protective barrier, and have a rejuvenating effect.

You should start the procedures with healthy skin. Peels should not be done if:

  1. Fever, chills, worsening viral or bacterial infection.
  2. The girl is pregnant or breastfeeding.
  3. There is an active inflammatory process on the skin, that is, acne and blackheads are visible.
  4. There is an exacerbation of dermatitis.
  5. With relapse of psoriasis.
  6. You are allergic to peeling components.
  7. A person undergoes rehabilitation after treatment for cancer.

Read more in our article about post-sun peeling.

Read in this article

Is it possible to peel after sunbathing?

Everyone knows that a tan goes on more evenly on clean, smooth skin. Therefore, before sunbathing, it is recommended to do scrubbing and peeling. But after rest, I also want to get my skin in order. In addition, various scrubs and peelings are included in the daily self-care ritual. They cleanse, remove flaking, even out skin texture, remove pigmentation and fine wrinkles. However, according to cosmetologists, you will have to change your self-care routine for a while.

Exfoliation after sunbathing is not recommended. This is especially true for medium, deep and with the use of aggressive abrasive particles. After sun exposure, the skin is in a state of stress, it is dry, thin and very sensitive. How long after tanning you can peel depends on where it was received.

And here is more information about freckles after sunbathing.

On the sea

Ultraviolet radiation is quite aggressive on the skin. He destroys her protective barriers. After the beach, the skin is always inflamed and slightly red. The situation becomes especially deplorable if you have received a burn. As a result, the dermis is very susceptible to all kinds of procedures. In this case, even products for sensitive, delicate and problematic skin will not be suitable.

You should start peeling the dermis after sunbathing at sea only when it has completely recovered. She should calm down, during which time all redness and inflammation will subside. Peeling should also end, since it cannot be removed artificially. Each individual case has its own deadlines. It also all depends on the duration of sunbathing. For some, the recovery period may take about a week, for others it will take almost a month.

Moreover, the deeper the peeling, the more time should pass between the procedure and tanning. For salon treatments (ultrasound, medium, deep) it will take about three weeks. This principle works exactly the same as getting a tan after peeling the dermis of the face or body.

As for home treatments such as coffee, oatmeal, sea salt, enough time should also pass. The fact is that they have sharp edges that mechanically clean the surface of the skin. This effect is too aggressive for the irritated dermis.

Cosmetology expert

After the solarium

Ultraviolet radiation in a solarium is an even more aggressive factor for the skin. It greatly promotes the expansion of pores. The skin becomes extremely sensitive. After a course of solarium, she becomes very susceptible to various cosmetics and procedures. Therefore, you will have to temporarily put aside everything intended for peeling and scrub, even very gentle and delicate products.

Body peeling after tanning in a solarium should only be done after 1-1.5 months, when the skin has completely recovered. Even after a superficial one, it’s worth waiting a couple of weeks.

All this time it is better to make special moisturizing and regenerating masks. They will help maintain and enhance your tan. Only after waiting the allotted time for recovery, peeling can refresh it, remove the grayish tint, and even out the color.

What kind of peeling can you do at home?

Peeling can be done both in the salon and at home. The main condition is nutrition and hydration after the procedure. To do this, you need to use creams and balms with the maximum effect of restoring water balance, with vitamin E, group B. Moisturizing masks are also good.

After tanning, different types of peeling are performed. They are focused and deep.


After tanning, the skin dries out greatly, collagen and elastin fibers are destroyed. Therefore, peelings are needed to eliminate the first signs of aging. They remove the top layer of skin, stimulate cell renewal, which ultimately stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. The dermis becomes smoother, softer, fresher and glowing from within.

In-salon, hardware peeling with ultrasound or laser can help achieve a long-term effect. Depending on the client’s age, you can choose:

  1. Light, superficial, removes dead skin cells. This is suitable for dry skin with flaking, roughness, which has lost its shine and tone. It is usually performed with a laser to remove freckles, hyperpigmentation and small wrinkles. Dermabrasion is also used to smooth out the relief, which removes only the top layer of cells with special brushes.
  2. The middle one is suitable if deeper creases have intensified. It removes the top layer of the dermis - the papillary layer.
  3. Deep is carried out to remove deep wrinkles and scars. It already removes two layers of the dermis: papillary and reticular. Already the first procedure allows you to evaluate a positive result.

Exfoliating after sunbathing will help tidy up your skin. It will make it more even and smooth.

For young skin after sunbathing, rejuvenating peeling at home is suitable, since you only need to remove the surface layer of keratinized cells. Various scrubs are used for this:

  1. With sugar. The product is combined with honey or natural yogurt and blended in a blender. The mixture should be applied to the skin, covered with film and left for half an hour. After rinsing with cool water, apply moisturizer.
  2. With coffee. The grains are crushed or a drink is brewed with it, and then used. The scrub should be applied to the entire body within a few minutes. It also helps fight cellulite.
  3. With sea salt. The crystals are ground in a blender to powder and mixed with citrus essential oil. You need to massage clockwise from bottom to top for 3-5 minutes.

Watch the video about preparing a sugar body scrub:


Chemical peeling after tanning is carried out in a gentle manner. To do this, use acids with a concentration of no more than 30%. Chemical peeling causes a reaction similar to a burn. The skin turns a little red, but calms down after a while.

Externally, such peeling does not cause obvious damage, but it affects the deep layers of the dermis. Acids penetrate into the lower layers, where the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers is accelerated, and the process of regeneration and rejuvenation is launched.

The skin regains its tone and becomes more elastic. The color becomes healthier and more radiant. The skin surface becomes smoother. This chemical peeling is suitable for young dermis and those undergoing the first age-related changes.

The procedure can be carried out at home using various berries and fruits. Suitable: strawberries, kiwi, citrus fruits, apples, bananas, currants, raspberries. The products are cut into pieces or mashed into purees and applied to the face and body. These masks should not be left on for long: 10-15 minutes. After rinsing, you should always apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.


Many have noticed that after sunbathing, the skin becomes oilier and the work of the sebaceous glands increases. The fact is that as a reaction to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the layers of the epidermis thicken. The sebaceous ducts become clogged with sebum and dead cells. Therefore, inflammation often begins to appear after a vacation at sea.

Cleansing peeling after sunbathing will help cope with this problem. This is done in a salon using acids. Pineapple and papaya enzymes remove the upper, keratinized layer of cells and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Glycolic, lactic and citric acids are used for peeling at a concentration of 15%. They are gentle and do not cause negative consequences. They cleanse pores, restore the protective barrier, and have a rejuvenating effect.

Precautionary measures

You should start the procedures with healthy skin. Peels should not be done if:

  1. Fever, chills, worsening viral or bacterial infection.
  2. The girl is in an interesting position and is breastfeeding.
  3. There is an active inflammatory process on the skin, that is, acne and blackheads.
  4. There is an exacerbation of dermatitis.
  5. With relapse of psoriasis.
  6. You are allergic to peeling components.
  7. A person undergoes rehabilitation after treatment for cancer.

And here is more information about how to wash after sunbathing.

Peels should be performed on healthy and restored skin. It is also important to remember about contraindications. Properly selected peeling will benefit the skin. It will refresh and prolong your tan.

Mostly people with fair skin get freckles after sunbathing. They are visible on the body and face. If winter comes, freckles will mostly go away on their own. But how to clean your back, legs, and shoulders before the cold season?

In general, you can understand how to wash after sunbathing by the condition of your skin: it is burned and requires careful care. It is worth noting that you cannot swim immediately. How long after can you take a shower after the sun and solarium?

Typically, a brown spot is simply over-pigmentation of the skin. There are several reasons why it appeared on the body, as well as ways to get rid of it. But it is important to see a doctor to rule out cancer.

When wondering whether to wash after a solarium, whether it should be done immediately or after a while, it is important to understand why experts insist that it is not possible: under the influence of UV rays, the skin is injured, it needs time to recover. So you have a few hours to shower afterwards.

Quite often, both at sea and just when walking along the streets, it happens that your nose gets burned. In this case, first aid is the use of ointments for sunburn. You can also make compresses, and if your nose is peeling, then gentle peelings.

Before calculating the time when you can sunbathe after peeling, you need to take into account the strength of the impact of the cleansing on the skin. The period of limitation of sunbathing is directly proportional to the depth of penetration of peeling substances into the epidermis. That is, the more superficial the procedure, the faster the skin will recover, and, therefore, the opportunity to sunbathe. In this case, the method of obtaining a tan does not matter much.

What happens to the skin after peeling?

During peeling treatment, the upper layer of the epidermis is damaged. The renewed skin is so sensitive that any external influence on it is fraught with dermatological problems. During the period of regeneration of the epidermis, subject to mechanical or chemical cleansing, it should be protected from:

  1. Ultraviolet rays;
  2. Wind;
  3. Frost;
  4. Various types of pollution.

Among the above factors, ultraviolet radiation is especially dangerous, since under its influence the formation of pigmented areas occurs, which are subsequently quite difficult to get rid of. Therefore, until the skin’s protective reaction is restored after peeling treatment, you should completely avoid exposure to the sun or visiting a solarium.

The time for which sunbathing should be limited depends on the individual recovery of the skin and the aggressiveness of the procedure performed.
In addition to pigmentation, unrestored epidermis exposed to sunlight is at risk of photoaging - intense drying of the skin to the state of “parchment paper”, the appearance of a wrinkled network.

IMPORTANT! Photoaging has no age limits. Even at 20 years old, you can get a lot of wrinkles if you don’t follow the rules of post-peeling care.

Is it possible to sunbathe after peeling?

When answering the question: is it possible to sunbathe after peeling, you should objectively assess the condition of the skin.
After carrying out the mechanical cleansing procedure (by using products with small abrasive particles), it is enough to maintain an interval of 2 days, and then go out into the sun without fear.

If the skin was treated with low-percentage fruit acids, exposing the face to ultraviolet radiation is contraindicated for two weeks.
Medium chemical peels, in which the top layer of the epidermis is actively peeled off, require a strict ban on sunbathing for the first two months.

ATTENTION! During the period of skin regeneration, it is necessary to use products with an SPF of at least 30 every time you leave the house. After medium and deep peels, cosmetics should contain sun protection factor 50.

You should refrain from tanning in a solarium, no matter what ultra-modern equipment is there, during peeling and after it, but after the end of the skin restoration period, you can sunbathe, starting with minimal time periods.

How long the ban on sunbathing lasts is determined by the cosmetologist performing anti-aging cleansing.

You can determine how long to go to the solarium after peeling yourself, if the procedure was carried out using light means and strong exfoliation was not expected. As a rule, 2 weeks are enough for the regeneration of the epidermis in this case.

We invite you to watch a video on how to care for your skin after peeling:

Pros and cons of tanning

Tanning has undeniable positive aspects:

  1. A beautiful skin tone is acquired;
  2. Small pimples dry out;
  3. The body is saturated with vitamin D.

You just need to take into account that you need to take sunbathing in doses and with an eye on the cosmetic procedures performed.

After chemical exposure to the skin, no matter how many procedures are performed, you cannot sunbathe for a certain amount of time, both between peeling sessions and after their completion. The specific limitation period is determined by a specialist.

Failure to comply with the ban on sunbathing or visiting a solarium will result in problems for the epidermis such as:

  1. Pigmentation of local areas of the skin;
  2. Development of the rosacea network
  3. Thinning and drying of the epidermis;
  4. The appearance of allergies to ultraviolet radiation in the form of pinpoint rashes.

It is possible to tan renewed skin if the time prescribed by the cosmetologist after peeling is met and the epidermis is completely restored, while you can tan, starting with minimal exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

Cleansing with exfoliants before tanning is beneficial. This way you can achieve an even skin tone. It is unacceptable to sunbathe without maintaining a certain period of time, but how much time should pass after peeling before going out into the sun for tanning depends on the type of procedures performed. Usually this is from 2 weeks to 2 months. The minimum restrictive period of a couple of days is designed only for home remedies used like scrubbing.

You can sunbathe after facial peeling only after making sure that the skin has fully recovered after the procedure and whether enough time has passed for it to regain its protective properties. I recommend starting tanning with a minimum time, gradually increasing it. For a solarium, the optimal time is 1-2 minutes, in the sun – no more than half an hour. I believe that the renewed epidermis should first receive a small load in the form of ultraviolet radiation.

I am often asked the question: if exfoliation is over, can you start tanning even though only a week has passed since peeling? Definitely not! After the upper layer of the epidermis has disappeared, the skin is most sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. In order for it to restore its protective layer, it is necessary to wait at least 2 weeks after complete exfoliation for superficial peeling, about 1.5 months for medium peeling, and 2-2.5 months for deep cleansing.


Dosed intake of ultraviolet radiation benefits the entire body, so you should not completely abandon it.
Subject to post-peeling restrictions and proper care of renewed skin, subsequent tanning within reasonable limits will bring only positive emotions.

How long after peeling you can’t sunbathe is one of the popular questions clients ask their cosmetologists. Let's look at it in more detail.
Peeling is a special procedure based on deep renewal of the skin. The effectiveness of the result is directly related not only to preparing the skin for cleansing, but also to proper care after it.

Skin care after peeling

Post-procedure care involves the use of products that help restore, moisturize and speed up healing of the skin. All recommendations should be prescribed only by a cosmetologist, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s skin. The main stages include:

  1. cleansing;
  2. hydration and nutrition;
  3. protection and prevention of skin infections using sunscreens.

It is important to follow all doctor’s prescriptions to avoid disastrous consequences.

Peeling and tanning

Tanning is a protective reaction of the skin. Cells begin to produce protective pigment melanin, which causes darkening of the epidermis. Ultraviolet rays penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, dehydrate it, and this provokes a premature aging process. The skin becomes thinner and more delicate. After prolonged solar treatments, severe burns and even necrosis may appear on the skin. The sun's rays are most dangerous after cleaning. The skin has undergone great stress, it restores its protective functions after a cosmetic procedure. The new layers of the epidermis are not able to withstand ultraviolet exposure.

After peeling, you should avoid sunbathing for at least two weeks. It is strictly forbidden to take sunbathing between procedures. The deeper the level of penetration into the layers of the skin, the longer you should avoid visiting the solarium after the peeling procedure. After superficial peelings, if there are no side effects, you can sunbathe within 2 weeks. And with deep chemical cleanings, the period when you cannot visit the solarium increases to a month.

It is not recommended to exfoliate immediately after tanning in a solarium or under the hot sun. Ultraviolet rays damage the skin, and additional exposure to it can only make the situation worse. You need to complete the tanning procedure with a soothing cream or lotion; they will help restore skin cells.
Superficial peeling can be done 3 days after a tanning session, since the point of going to the solarium will be lost if you start peeling your face right away. For deeper cleansing of the skin, it is recommended to wait a month.

On a note! A couple of weeks after visiting the solarium, the tan becomes less intense. You can refresh it with ground coffee. It is necessary to dilute the coffee grounds in a small amount of warm water and apply to the body, massaging thoroughly for 5 minutes. Then wash it off.

Pros and cons of tanning after peeling

  1. The tan applies most evenly, due to the thorough exfoliation of keratinized scales.
  2. The redness will quickly turn into a rich tan.
  3. The tan after peeling is long-lasting and intense.
  1. Pigmentation and sunburn may occur.
  2. Rapid evaporation of moisture, which leads to drying out of cells.
  3. Due to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the heat, an unexpected reaction of the epidermis may occur.

Special peelings before tanning

Gentle cleansing using cosmetic scrubs or homemade products, on the contrary, is recommended before an upcoming vacation. They will restore smoothness and elasticity to the skin. Body exfoliation before tanning is a great way to deal with cellulite. After the first gommage, the skin will become fragrant and attractive.

  1. 1 tbsp. Dilute coarse salt with 2 tbsp. peach oil. When the salt has absorbed some of the oil, apply the mixture. Apply onto the body with light movements and rub in for ten minutes. To avoid damaging the integrity of the skin, do not rub the salt vigorously. After the procedure, rinse the product thoroughly from the body.

Flaxseed peeling

  1. 1 tbsp. Pour hot water over flax seeds to make a thick porridge. Grind another 2 tbsp. seeds and add them to the brewed mass, mix well. Using a soft sponge or sponge, apply the mixture to the body with intense movements.

Almond peeling with avocado

  1. 100 gr. Mix ground almonds with overripe avocado pulp and add a little water. Apply to problem areas. The scrub will make the skin more elastic, give it tone, and cellulite will be less noticeable. With regular use, the orange peel will disappear completely.

Peeling should only be applied to previously cleansed and moisturized skin!

Remember the consequences in the pursuit of beauty. Tanning can provoke the development of malignant tumors on the skin. It is important to observe moderation when relaxing under the rays of the sun, and be sure to apply protective cream to the skin of the face and body. Take care of your health!

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