Types of Cosmetic Massage

Cosmetic massage is one of the most popular methods of caring for the skin of the face and neck. It helps maintain healthy skin, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and increase its firmness and elasticity. In this article we will look at the main types of cosmetic massage and their features.

Hygienic massage

Hygienic massage is a type of cosmetic massage and is designed to maintain healthy skin on the face and neck. Carrying out a hygienic massage helps maintain healthy skin color, its freshness, firmness and elasticity. This type of massage also prevents the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Techniques used in hygienic massage include stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. Movements are made in a straight line, in a circle and in a zigzag manner. The forehead and neck areas are massaged separately. When performing a cosmetic hygienic massage, it is necessary to take into account your skin type. For normal facial skin, a weekly cosmetic massage session will be sufficient. If wrinkles appear under the eyes, it is recommended to carry out a course of treatment by performing 10-15 massage procedures, depending on the condition of the skin.

For dry facial skin, regular hygienic massage is indicated at least 1-2 times a week. Each session should last for 10-12 minutes. For dry, aging facial skin, a hygienic massage should be carried out only after applying the cream to the face. In addition to rubbing and kneading techniques, effleurage will be useful. At the end of the massage, the remaining cream should be removed with a napkin, and then it is recommended to apply a hot compress.

Cosmetic hygienic massage should be carried out with special care when the face is swollen. In this case, it is better to limit yourself to stroking. Massage of the eyelids and eye area is completely excluded.

Preventive massage

Preventive massage includes cryomassage, which is performed using carbonic acid snow, to which the skin is very sensitive. Cryomassage helps reduce sebum secretion, so it is usually used for oily facial skin. It is also successfully used in massaging aging and sagging skin, as well as porous and wrinkled skin.

To protect the skin from hypothermia, when performing cryomassage you should use only superficial stroking. After applying carbonic acid to snow, hyperemia appears, i.e. redness of the skin, at the same time fatigue disappears and an increase in vitality is felt. As a result of an increase in the supply of oxygen and nutrients, blood circulation in the face and neck is normalized.


Therapeutic cosmetic massage is performed with greater intensity than hygienic massage and is used to eliminate skin imperfections such as acne, excessive sebum production and circulatory problems. Therapeutic massage is performed using one technique or another. The Jacquet technique is an intensive effect on tissue that stabilizes the blood circulation process.

Plastic massage

Plastic massage is one of the most effective ways to combat age-related skin changes. It is aimed at increasing skin elasticity and tone, reducing the depth of wrinkles and combating swelling.

Techniques used in plastic massage include kneading, stroking, vibration and effleurage. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to carry out a course of 10-15 procedures.


Cosmetic massage is an effective way to care for the skin of the face and neck. Hygienic massage helps maintain healthy skin, preventive massage helps fight oily, aging, flabby, porous and wrinkled skin, and therapeutic massage helps eliminate skin imperfections. Plastic massage is an effective way to combat age-related skin changes. When choosing a type of cosmetic massage, it is necessary to take into account the type of skin and the characteristics of its condition.