Bark Heterogenetic

Corus heterogensis is a unique species of fish that lives only in the depths of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan and the Philippine Islands. This species gets its name because of its strange appearance and unique feeding method.

Bark Heterogenetica has an external resemblance to an octopus or jellyfish. Its body is covered with a thin layer of golden scales, which shimmer in different colors when the fish moves. Cora Heterogenesis's huge eyes protrude from her body, making her look very much like a starfish.

However, the main difference between this species is its feeding and breathing abilities. Cora Heterogeneous uses its tentacles to catch prey and then consumes it with its mouths. At the same time, she breathes using special gills on her back, which allow her to obtain oxygen from the water.

The Cora Heterogeneous fish feeds on small shrimp, squid and other small fish that it can catch with its tentacles. She is also known for quickly regaining her fitness after long periods of