Chancroid Soft Impetiginous

Chancroid is an infectious dermatosis usually caused by the herpes simplex virus type I. There are several types of chancroid, including soft impetiginized chancroid, or Mollu e impetigiosum. This is a rare form of genital HSV infection. It is characterized by the presence of large bumps, blisters or pustules on the genitals with an unpleasant odor and the discharge of serous pus. Treatment for chancroid impetus may include the use of antihistamines and antibiotics, as well as rinsing and burning the affected areas. In this article we will talk about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of soft impiginating chancre.

1. Symptoms of soft impigtanizing chancre Chancre is a common cause of genital infections and is distinguished by the following symptoms: - Painful skin formations appear on the labia minora, labia majora (sometimes on the scrotum and penis) - Skin rashes, reminiscent in shape of impiggination, quickly transform into purulent blisters ranging in size from 5 mm to 25 mm - Inside the bubble there is a clear liquid, which subsequently turns into an abscess - After 5-7 days, crusts of pus and a layer of mucus are sprayed at the site of the blisters, then holes (ulcers) are formed, the contents of which are repeatedly erupted - Such exudation is accompanied by a disgusting odor - Ulcers heal within 3 weeks - After recovery, small scars may remain at the sites of the wounds. 2. Diagnosis of soft impinging chancre The diagnosis is made based on the clinical manifestations of the disease. To clarify the diagnosis, laboratory diagnostics are performed to determine HPV in the patient’s tissues.