Barotrauma (Dysbarism) is a medical term that is used to describe any clinical manifestation resulting from a difference between the atmospheric pressure outside the human body and the pressure of air or gas inside the body cavities. This condition can occur when there is a change in atmospheric pressure, such as when climbing mountains, diving underwater, or flying at high altitude.
One of the most common types of barotrauma is decompression sickness, which occurs when there is a sudden change in atmospheric pressure. In this case, gas bubbles form in the blood vessels and tissues of the body, which can lead to symptoms such as joint pain, skin rash, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
However, barotrauma can manifest itself in other forms, for example, with diseases of the ears and lungs. For example, a middle ear disorder called middle ear barotrauma causes a feeling of ear fullness, hearing loss, and pain. With barotrauma of the paranasal sinuses, pain in the forehead, nasal congestion and impaired sense of smell occur.
Treatment of barotrauma depends on its type and form. If barotrauma is associated with changes in atmospheric pressure, then it is necessary to follow safety rules when carrying out such actions. In some cases, medical intervention may be required, for example, barotrauma of the middle ear may require the eardrum to be punctured to remove trapped air.
Overall, barotrauma is a serious condition that can lead to serious complications. Therefore, it is necessary to follow safety rules when carrying out activities related to changes in atmospheric pressure, and seek medical help if any symptoms associated with barotrauma occur.
What is barotrauma?
**Barotrauma** is any clinical manifestation that occurs as a result of a difference in air pressure. It can appear in various parts of the body such as the paranasal sinuses, middle ear, etc. The cause of barotrauma is the difference in atmospheric pressure and