Peritoneum (Peritoneum)

Peritoneum (Peritoneum): description and functions

The peritoneum, also known as the peritoneum, is the serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity. This membrane consists of two layers: the parietal peritoneum and the visceral peritoneum.

The parietal peritoneum lines the immediate walls of the abdominal cavity, and the visceral peritoneum covers the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity. Both layers of peritoneum share a narrow cavity called the peritoneal cavity.

Peritoneal is a term that refers to the peritoneum. Some procedures can be performed through the peritoneum, including peritoneal dialysis (a method of replacing kidney function) as well as laparoscopic surgery.

The peritoneum performs several important functions in the body. Firstly, it protects internal organs from infections and other harmful influences. Secondly, it helps the organs located in the abdominal cavity to move freely and perform their functions. Finally, the peritoneum also plays an important role in the digestive process, providing lubrication between organs and helping them move through peristalsis.

In some cases, the peritoneum may become inflamed or irritated, leading to a condition called peritonitis. This is a serious disease that requires medical intervention.

In conclusion, the peritoneum is an important structure that plays several important roles in the body. Its functions include protecting internal organs, ensuring freedom of movement of organs located in the abdominal cavity, and participating in the digestive process.

The peritoneum is an important organ that provides protection and support to the internal organs located inside the abdominal cavity. In the article we will look at the peritoneum and its functions in the human body.

The peritoneum is a serous membrane that covers the insides of the abdominal cavity and protects them from damage. It consists of two

The peritoneum is a serous tissue that covers the inside and outside of the abdominal cavity in many animals. The peritoneum can be located both under the skin and inside the body. The abdominal cavity is a cavity in the body of humans and most animals, which has a different structure depending on the species. In a mammal, this cavity forms the mammary glands; in other animals, the liver, gall bladder, and spleen are formed from it. The human abdominal cavities are formed mainly from the first abdominal fold and secondary folds - fascial arches.

The peritoneum has important functions that help preserve internal organs and improve blood circulation. For example, the blood flow passing through the peritoneum not only nourishes these organs, but also contributes to their functioning. The abdominal cavity is one of the main places for the “collection” of waste products received by the body, in addition, it helps maintain body temperature