Baths Local

**Local baths** are special procedures for the treatment and prevention of diseases, which affect only a certain part of the human body. They are widely used in medicine and physiotherapy to improve blood circulation and strengthen the immune system. In this text we will talk about how local baths work and what effects they can have on the human body.

The principle of local baths is that water or a solution of certain substances affects certain areas of the body, causing various reflex reactions throughout the body. At the same time, the body is affected not just by chemical compounds or trace elements, but also by water pressure, temperature and flow speed, which also have a positive effect on the immune system and blood circulation.

One example where local baths are used is mud therapy, which involves the use of mud infusions diluted in water to cool it or add to the bath. Mud therapy has a beneficial effect on human skin, subcutaneous tissue and bones, helping to get rid of various inflammatory processes and strengthen the immune system.

However, there are other procedures that use local baths. One such example is general hydromassage, which is a sequential application of water under pressure to all parts of the body simultaneously. This method helps stimulate blood and lymph circulation, improve muscle tone and boost immunity, and also successfully combat symptoms of depression and chronic fatigue.

Another example of local baths is carbonic baths, which use carbon dioxide to relieve insomnia and increase blood pressure. It is important to note that when carrying out procedures involving local baths, it is imperative to adhere to the dosage and course of therapy established by the attending physician.

In addition, local baths are an effective means of combating high cholesterol levels in the blood. For example, the healing mud of Lake Tambukan, known for its healing properties, restores metabolism well, normalizes digestion, strengthens the immune system and even helps cope with cancer.

Thus, local baths are an important element of treatment and preventive procedures aimed at strengthening the immune system, improving blood circulation and improving the health of the human body. Using local baths can help relieve many health problems and maintain health throughout your life.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to imagine life without baths. However, today there are many different types of baths, including local ones. Their name speaks for itself - bath procedures are performed only on part of the body. As a rule, this type of bath is prescribed by a doctor in cases where exposure to the entire body is dangerous or undesirable, for example, in case of dermatological problems or injuries.

Local baths are carried out in medical institutions and are aimed at treating skin diseases and various injuries. They are usually performed in a hospital setting under the guidance of experienced specialists. In some cases, local baths can be performed at home, but always under the supervision of a doctor.

The healing properties of local baths are unique. Thus, after the procedures, blood circulation improves, skin nutrition improves, the healing process accelerates, inflammation is relieved and swelling is reduced. In addition, during such baths in the body, the amount of oxygen necessary for rapid tissue restoration increases.

Types of local baths There are many types of local baths, each of which has its own unique features and effectiveness. Some of them are used to treat skin diseases, others to restore muscles and joints. Let's look at the most popular types of local baths.

Electrophoresis. Electrophoresis sessions are carried out under the influence of electric current, which helps improve blood circulation and activate regenerative processes. Water treatments with medicinal herbs. During the procedure, the patient is immersed in warm water with the addition of decoctions and extracts