Базион (Basion)

The basion, also known as the point in the middle of the front of the foramen magnum, is one of the most important points on the human skull. This point is located at the top of the foramen magnum and is the junction of the occipital bone and the base of the skull.

The bazion is important in human anatomy as it is the intersection point of several important structures, including the posterior cranial fossa, posterior meninges, and spinal canal. In addition, the bazion is the junction point of the posterior and middle cranial fossae, making it an important landmark for surgeons and neurosurgeons when performing brain surgery.

Another important property of the bazion point is its ability to move. Unlike other points on the skull, the bazion can move slightly with head movements, which is one of the factors affecting skull stability and coordination of movements.

Overall, the basionic point plays an important role in human anatomy and physiology, and its study can help in understanding many aspects of the brain and nervous system.

The bazion is a point located in the middle of the anterior edge of the foramen magnum at the base of the skull. It is important in human anatomy and physiology.

The bazion is the intersection point of two important brain structures - the pons and the medulla oblongata. This area of ​​the brain is responsible for many functions, including regulating breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and other important physiological processes.

In addition, bazion also plays an important role in the nervous system. It is the connection point between two major nerve pathways: the spinal cord and the brain. This allows signals to be transmitted between these two systems and ensures coordination of the body's movements and reactions.

However, bazion not only plays an important role in human physiology and anatomy, but also has practical applications. In medicine, bazion is used to determine the location of tumors and other pathologies in the brain. It can also be used to determine the depth and size of damage to the skull.

Overall, the bazion is an important anatomical object in the human body and has many practical applications in medicine and science.

Bazion (in Latin basion) is an anatomical point located in the middle of the anterior edge of the large opening of the occipital bone of the skull, that is, at the base of the skull. The bazion is located at the bottom of the transverse sinus, next to the pyramids of the temporal bones.

Functions of the Bazion point:

* Coordination of movements and maintaining body balance. Responsible for the correct orientation of the body and the coordinated work of its parts, maintaining balance and a stable position.

* Promotes the development and strengthening of muscles, bones, ligaments. Regular exposure to this point has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system and promotes rapid recovery of the body after spinal injuries or neurological diseases. * Restoration of cerebral circulation and metabolic rate. Improves blood supply to brain tissue, due to which nerve cells are activated, memory is improved and intellectual activity is restored. The tone of the body increases, the frequency of emotional jumps decreases and a person’s life expectancy increases.

The bazion has many functions, but many people are not aware of this point on the body. Some people mistakenly believe that it exists only in animals and therefore its importance is underestimated. In fact, we and all living beings have a basis, and this is connected with our development over many centuries. During evolution, our body was constantly exposed to various factors, such as climate change, the emergence of new enemies, etc., and the ability to maintain balance and remain resistant to adverse factors became vital for us - a person can only live in a certain habitat and is unable to survive without its support in the form of trees, grass, water, air, sun, insects, animals - everything