Strangulation of the uterus

This is an illness similar to epilepsy or fainting. It starts from the uterus and leads to increased complicity of the heart and brain through the barrier, network and vessels, beating and resting. One of the learned physicians says that he does not know the cause of "suffocation," but the reason, if the matter is examined, is that there is constipation of menstruation or semen in women who are overcome by lust or recently matured, as well as in girls and widows. What is retained in most cases becomes cold, especially if the substance was cold in its essence, and piling up and compressing made it even colder, or hot and putrid, which is rarely the case; by the color of each of these substances one learns where it tends in relation to its nature. And when any of them accumulates and undergoes the aforementioned spoilage and acquires a poisonous property, it gives rise to two types of disease: one of them is a disease of the instrument, which first adheres to the uterus, and the uterus convulsively contracts and contracts, moving upward or to the side - to the right, to the left, forward or backward, depending on what the matter locked in the vessels requires. It does not find a passage and dilates the vessels, causing them to tense convulsively from the expansion and causing pain. And sometimes these substances spread throughout the body of the uterus and thicken it, and then shrink, or they do not spread throughout the uterus, but cause swelling in it and then tighten it. Evil increases if new menstrual blood enters the uterus and does not find a way for itself; then it causes even greater harm to the dominant organs than before. But sometimes wrinkling precedes thickening due to a tumor or a drying disorder of nature, and blockage of the mouth of the uterus and the mouths of blood vessels occurs, and then constipation and deviation in any direction occurs.

The second type is a disease dependent on matter, when matter sends malignant, poisonous vapors to both dominant organs and something similar to epilepsy or fainting occurs, and since this disease is stronger than simple fainting, it is preceded by simple fainting, since the weaker always precedes the stronger .

“Strangling” because of menstruation is safer than “suffocating” because of semen. After all, the seed, although it originates from the blood, especially in women, before it turns into a nutrient, is more susceptible to malignant transformations than blood, just as milk, which also originates from the blood, undergoes transformations more easily than blood. This disease often manifests itself in attacks, and it often occurs in the fall; sometimes attacks occur rarely, and sometimes they happen every day and their frequency is deadly. Nothing like this happens during childbirth, because during “suffocation” the movements of the uterus are sharp, but during childbirth they occur similarly in all directions and gradually, and not suddenly. In addition, they are directed to the bottom and are the action of nature, and with them noxious vapors do not rush to the dominant organs.

The most severe “suffocation” is one that, according to the external impression, stops breathing, although there must still be some breathing; sometimes this can be seen, for example, by the vibrations of combed wool, which is hung in front of the breather's face. "Strangulation" also stops sensation and movement and is like death, and most often this happens due to semen, especially because of cold semen. Next in severity is “suffocation,” which does not stop breathing, but reduces and weakens it, and the third degree is “suffocation,” which causes spasms, tension in the whole body and fainting, without damaging the mind and senses.

Signs. When an attack of this disease approaches, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, heart failure, headache, bad mood, weakness of mind occurs; the patient looks dazed and feels lethargic and weak in the legs; she has a yellow complexion, which often changes without remaining the same for long; sometimes, due to the putrefaction of the pungent fumes, thirst arises. If the attack intensifies, then the patient is attacked by hibernation and clouding of mind; her face, eyes and lips turn red; the eyes are directed to one point and sometimes close together and do not open. Breathing weakens greatly, and then most often seems to be interrupted. The patient feels as if something is rising from her pubis, she begins to grind and click her teeth and makes involuntary movements due to damage and changes in the condition of the muscles; her speech stops, and she has difficulty understanding what is being said to her. Then, especially with seminal “suffocation,” fainting sets in, the voice disappears, the legs are pulled up and perspiration appears on the body - not general, but light. Sometimes the attack is resolved by vomiting pure mucus, headache, pain in the legs and back, and sometimes ends with rumbling and eruption of fluid from the uterus. Often this disease leads to inflammation of the lungs, suffocation and tumors in the neck and chest. the disease is at first intense, convulsive, rare, and then it randomly becomes more frequent, especially with loss of strength and approaching death, and the urine looks like meat slop or is bloody.

The fact that “suffocation” depends on menstruation is indicated by the delay of menstruation, and seminal is indicated by the remoteness of the last copulation due to abstinence in the presence of lust. “Strangulation” due to menstruation is often followed by copious secretion of milk; the heaviness in the body is greater, the feelings are weaker; pain in the eyes and neck, attacks of fever and all the mentioned symptoms that accompany the delay of menstruation are more pronounced. At the same time, the juice predominant in the blood shows its power and harmfulness; The most harmful is black gall, for it gives rise to obsessions due to the participation of the brain and severe nausea due to the participation of the heart, and also stops breathing due to the participation of both of them together and the participation of the thoraco-abdominal obstruction. Mucous juice is heavier in itself and calmer in terms of symptoms, while yellow gall juice is more acute, but safer.

As for seminal “suffocation,” it hastens to damage breathing, and the problem with breathing here is worse than with “suffocation” from menstruation, and other symptoms do not appear with it. Often, when the midwife feels the convulsively tense uterus, tickling and lust arise; the patient ejaculates thick semen and feels better, and sometimes she ejects semen on her own volition and feels relief.

As for the difference between “suffocation” and “epileptic”, although they are similar in many of their laws and in the respect that they occur suddenly, “suffocation” differs from epilepsy in that the substance rising from the uterus and pubis to the brain, delayed and that reason is not lost very significantly and not always, but only in very severe cases; When a person suffering from “suffocation” gets up after a seizure, she talks about most of what happened to her, unless the illness is very terrible and severe. The patient's foam does not flow as much as in severe cerebral epilepsy, and if it flows, the disease immediately passes, and there is no need to do anything else. You should also refer to what we said in the paragraphs about epilepsy regarding its difference from “suffocation.”

As for the differences between "strangulation" and sakta, they are more obvious; with sakta, feelings in most cases are not completely lost and there is no wheezing. And the difference between “suffocation” and lithargus is that with “suffocation” there is no fever and a full, wavy pulse, and the pain with it begins in the head, and the complexion changes in various ways, while with lithargus it remains stable , in the same condition.

Treatment. When the cause of “suffocation” is the retention of menstruation, then in this case, if there is no excessive whiteness of the urine and the retention is not caused by an abundance of viscous fluid, bloodletting from the basil and from the jugular vein should be used. It is necessary, in any case, to use medicines that induce menstruation, and especially sharp suppositories that tickle the mouth of the uterus, for example, from the fruits of wolf bast and pepper; As for furbiyun, it acts very strongly in this case and immediately reduces menstrual blood. Tickling the mouth of a woman's uterus and the vaginal area is also useful, no matter what is retained - semen or blood, for this deflects the uterus downwards, straightens it and prepares the blood for flow; Galia is also a wonderful remedy in this case. Baths from waters that induce menstruation are beneficial, especially those prepared with kachim, fenugreek, flaxseed, marjoram and yarrow; water from hot springs is also beneficial for such patients. Bleeding should be done from the basil adjacent to the side where the uterus deviates, but if it does not deviate to the side, but shrinks and is pulled upward, then you can bleed from whichever you want or from both. If you feel that there is a lot of fluid in the uterus, then use means that remove it, for example, Iyaraj Rufa and Tiyadaritus. When you have bled and performed a bowel movement, it is often necessary, after the seventh day, to apply a relaxation with iyaraj with coloquint and iyaraj fikra, and sometimes it is necessary to repeat it. It is also sometimes necessary to give the patient pills from the broadleaf bug and stinking pills, after which they put jars on her area of ​​the spine and abdominal wall or on the thighs and groins. Keep her on a gentle regime and warm the lower parts of the body with rubbing, poultices and ointments, and then give her something to drink, for example, beaver stream, myrrh with pure water or with water sweetened with honey, Shajazaniyu, dahamarsa, falafili, kammuni or cascabinaj with anise juice or red bean juice.Cloves are also beneficial.

Here is one good medicine to drink. They take kammuni - about one afasa and give it to drink with rue juice or a decoction of twigs. Agaric is also a very good remedy for this disease, if given with wine and beaver stream; sometimes he even completely restores health. Also useful are “fragrant marigolds,” sea onions and vinegar made from it, if you drink it in sips, and sour sikanjubin from sea onions; Chernobyl juice, if given to drink, brings healing. They also give you St. John's wort seeds to drink - two dirhams in a strong nabiz; Drinking castor oil is also very beneficial. They also drink the squeezed juice of twig leaves with wine and oil, or take one dirham of opopanax and two danaks of beaver stream and give it to drink in wine; it helps a lot and induces periods. Of the bandages and poultices, use all those that thin the blood, and apply them several times. And good candles include Shajazaniya with laurel oil or iris oil in the amount of one bunduki and a candle made from St. John's wort seeds with wine, inserted into the vagina. They also take liquid maya - three uqiyas, pepper and incense - each uqiya, duck fat - four uqiyas, nettle seeds - four mithqals; A wick is made from all this and inserted into the vagina. They also use enemas and suppositories made from warming substances. causing menstruation, removing thick juices from below and dispersing the winds.

If the reason is the retention of the semen, then it is necessary to marry the patient, and until then, use physical exercises and medicines that contain the semen, for example, rue, mint and twig seeds, as well as juvarishn prepared from cumin with something like a decoction of medicinal roots . The midwife should insert into the sick woman’s vagina a hand lubricated with the oil of iris, spikenard or laurel, and often, but gently tickle the vaginal gates and uterine gates; Tickling must necessarily be accompanied, along with pleasure, by pain and a sensation similar to that of copulation; Often the sick woman then vomits something cold and gets rid of the illness. The same thing happens if they inject her with burning and tickling things like shajazaniyya - with bay oil or, for example, ginger and pepper; The fruits of the wolf's bast are remarkable in this case. Beware of bleeding in such circumstances, and it is better to use substances that awaken warmth for this type of “suffocation”, and treat it the same way as you treat fainting. A medicinal porridge called “success porridge”, as well as shajazaniya, musk medicine and teryak, are a great and powerful remedy for this disease and its bad manifestations. If it is feared that musk medicine and mithridag will set the seed in motion, then their giving the heart and nature the strength to drive away the seed victoriously counteracts this. Cascabinage and clove medicine are also surprising in this case.

Caring for the sick when the disease is in full swing. It is necessary to pour fragrant, strengthening, very warming oil on her head, for example, spikenard oil or bana oil, and hastily resort to the tickling mentioned above, especially with the help of means that cause itching and burning, as well as insert candles into the vagina that expel menstruation, and substances that pull the uterus down, for example, galiya and fragrant oils like bana oil and both jasmines, or, for example, chamomile oil, sadaj oil and other pungent oils to which the uterus is sensitive; In addition, these oils have a thinning property and speed up menstruation. It is also useful to fumigate from below with musk, aloe wood and the smoke of maysusan placed on hot stones. Lubricate the vagina with haluk and galiya, hold her breath, plug her nostrils and induce her to vomit by inserting a feather into her throat - she will feel relief from vomiting. Make her sniff and sniff figs, and constantly keep a lot of cups on her lower parts of the body, which pull the blood and uterus downwards, especially on the hips and ureters or on the side opposite the deviation, if there is a deviation, so that the uterus and blood are drawn downwards. Rub the sore leg with force, and let its thighs, pubis, calves and legs be always stretched from top to bottom; and into them should be rubbed, say, lily oil and hot medicines that cause redness, which include, for example, furbiyun. They insert something into her anus that dispels the winds, lubricating her stomach with it, they shout at her and shake her. If they do all this and the patient does not wake up, then it will inevitably be necessary to pour boiling, hot oil on her head or burn her crown - this cannot be avoided. Sometimes such patients come to their senses from bloodletting.

Beware of giving them wine to drink - water is more suitable for them - and feeding them rough meat and everything that multiplies seed and meat.