Baziron ac official website

Are you plagued by acne and nothing helps? Then you need to turn to the Baziron Control series for help. The products will not only get rid of acne, but will also even out the skin, remove comedones, refresh the face, and prevent the appearance of acne in the future.

About the company "Galderma"

The company has been producing dermatological products since 1981. It is a subsidiary of Nestle and L'Oreal. Provides its customers with high-quality medicinal cosmetics that have passed all clinical tests. The products are approved by world dermatologists.

Galderma products entered the Russian market in 2002, where they occupied a strong niche among the pharmaceutical assortment.

The company's product range is huge. The “Baziron Control” line of products especially stands out. The product is intended for the care of acne-prone skin. It has the status of medicinal cosmetics. Restores and maintains the skin after acne treatment. Prevents the appearance of acne in the future. Used to prevent acne.

Action of funds

"Baziron Control" is a series of medicinal products to combat acne. The funds should be used comprehensively. Thus, the effect of one drug will enhance the functions of another, and the result will exceed all expectations.
The action of the components in Baziron Control is aimed at:

  1. reduction of skin greasiness;
  2. elimination of oily shine;
  3. moisturizing all layers of the skin;
  4. improvement of complexion;
  5. protection from sun rays;
  6. getting rid of blackheads;
  7. thorough cleansing of the skin.

Therapeutic cosmetics are non-comedogenic and non-acnegenic. Created specifically for people with problem skin. Can be used either alone or in combination with other medications for the treatment of acne.

Line of products "Baziron Control"

To care for acne-prone skin, experts recommend using not just one product, but the entire line. In this case, the effect of cosmetic measures on the epidermis will be more effective.

The Baziron Control series consists of the following products:

  1. Cleansing gel “Reducing skin oiliness”. It contains three active components - extracts of aloe leaves, horse chestnut and calendula officinalis. Does not contain soap, lipids and alcohol. The action is aimed at improving the general condition of the dermis and moisturizing it. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  2. Facial lotion. The active elements are: sodium lauryl sulfate, propylene glycol, stearyl and cetyl alcohols. The drug does not dry the skin and does not cause irritation. Has moisturizing properties.
  3. Soothing gel for washing. The composition includes natural ingredients (aloe vera, calendula) and a special hypoallergenic formula. Effectively cleanses the skin, penetrating deep into the pores. Moisturizes and softens.
  4. Moisturizing face cream. Contains Parsol 1789, octocrylene, cyclomethicone, disapropyl adibate, glycerin. Softens the dermis. Protects from exposure to sunlight. Maintains skin hydration for eight hours.
  5. Face scrub “Against blackheads”. Contains: shea butter, rice extract, aluminum particles. Removes comedones, deeply cleanses pores, reduces oiliness. It has antimicrobial, comedolytic and anti-inflammatory properties. Stimulates blood circulation, which saturates cells with oxygen and promotes the penetration of medicine inside.

The Baziron Control series is used to care for problem skin. They are also used at the first stage of acne treatment, when the dermis gets used to medications. Apply medicinal cosmetics at the height of acne therapy to eliminate side effects such as redness, peeling and irritation. Recommended as a supportive and preventative product for acne-prone skin.

"Baziron Control": instructions for use

Before using medicinal cosmetics, you must carefully read the instructions, as there are contraindications.

Acne wash gel is used twice a day. Apply to damp facial skin, massage for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with water. They use a lotion after the Baziron Control gel (user reviews confirm that it mattifies, reduces skin oiliness, and tightens pores), which is not washed off. Before applying the next product, you need to wait until the lotion is completely absorbed into the skin. Next comes the moisturizing face cream SPF 15. Suitable for any skin type. Apply 2-3 times a day to well-cleansed facial skin. When combined with other drugs (drugs), it should be used 40-60 minutes after application of the opponent.

A facial scrub should be used twice a week. Before applying the drug, you should make sure that there are no inflammatory processes on the face. The product is applied with smooth movements to the face and neck, avoiding the eye area, and after massaging the skin a little, rinse off.

The cosmetic line helps eliminate the effects of acne treatment. Thoroughly cleanses the dermis and increases the skin's sensitivity to medications.

Pros of using a cosmetic line

What the Baziron Control series consists of largely explains the popularity of medicinal cosmetics. It is intended for the care of acne-prone skin. Has the following advantages:

  1. contains natural ingredients;
  2. retains moisture inside cells, moisturizes it;
  3. normalizes sebaceous-fat metabolism;
  4. has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antimicrobial effects;
  5. eliminates dryness and irritation;
  6. softens the dermis;
  7. protects the epidermis from the harmful effects of sunlight;
  8. restores skin after treatment;
  9. thoroughly cleanses the epidermis;
  10. prevents the appearance of acne;
  11. improves complexion and general skin condition.

In addition, the products are economical, do not cause allergies, are effective and easy to use. They have a large number of positive reviews from dermatologists.

Skin care in combination with Baziron AS gel

Treatment of acne does not come down to the choice of certain drugs, but is carried out comprehensively. A good result is obtained by combining the Baziron Control series of products and the Baziron AS gel. This cosmetic event includes three stages:

  1. Cleansing. Oily or normal facial skin should be cleansed with the “Reducing Skin Oiliness” cleansing gel, while dry and sensitive skin should be cleansed with a soothing gel. Cleansing lotion is used both after washing and to remove makeup and remove impurities from the skin.
  2. Treatment. Apply "Baziron AS" to the skin for oily and normal skin in a concentration of 5%, for dry skin - 2.5%. At first, the drug may cause side effects such as irritation, redness and peeling of the skin. The gel removes 94% of the pathogenic bacteria Propionibacterium acnes, which provoke the inflammatory process and the appearance of acne.
  3. Hydration. Problem skin, like any other, needs hydration and protection from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, at the final stage you should use a facial moisturizer SPF 15.

Not all acne treatment products have the desired effect. This is due to the fact that to treat acne, a medication must be used, and preferably in combination with professional cosmetics.

Price of acne products

The pricing policy for individual Baziron Control acne products is approximately the same and fluctuates around 500 rubles. Buying from an online pharmacy will cost more, since you will have to pay for delivery of the goods.

Where can I buy?

You can buy both the series and individual products in the pharmacy and online. Purchasing at a pharmacy is safer, because there the client is protected from counterfeiting, especially since in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 of January 19, 1998, medicinal cosmetics are not subject to exchange or return.

Reviews from clients and dermatologists

The “Baziron Control” series (reviews from dermatologists claim that the products effectively fight acne, improve the skin, and make it healthier) have caused a lot of controversy. Some users point out the delicate effects of these products. They say that, unlike Baziron AS, they do not dry out the skin as much. Moisturize throughout the day. Eliminate redness and peeling. The cleansing gel cleanses the skin well, slightly tightens pores, and prevents excessive oiliness. Mattifies, eliminates greasy shine.

The Baziron Control scrub for blackheads (reviews from dermatologists claim that it helps tidy up problematic skin and cleanses the epidermis well, which they repeatedly observe in their patients) eliminates comedones. It acts gently and does not injure the skin. Patients claim that the presence of solid particles is not felt in it. However, they note that regular use of the scrub evens out the skin texture. Removes peeling and redness after the first use.

Negative reviews, of course, also occur; this is a natural phenomenon. They talk about the uselessness of the funds. Many people call the drugs ordinary and not worth the money. For some, facial oiliness did not decrease, but on the contrary, it increased and provoked the appearance of a new wave of acne. They note that after applying moisturizer, the face becomes covered with a sticky, impenetrable film, which makes you want to wash your face as quickly as possible.

The Baziron Control series undoubtedly deserves attention. All products have undergone clinical trials and are created specifically to help people cope with acne and completely transform their lives.

Registration certificate:

Trade name of the drug:

International nonproprietary name or generic name:

Dosage form:



White homogeneous gel.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

ATX Code: - D 10 AE 01.

Pharmacological properties

Benzoyl peroxide exhibits antimicrobial activity against Propionibacterium acnes And Staphylococcus epidermidis. It has a keratolytic effect, improves tissue oxygenation, and suppresses sebum production in the sebaceous glands.

Pharmacokinetics Skin penetration of benzoyl peroxide is low. The bulk of benzoyl peroxide is converted to benzoic acid, which, after absorption, enters the systemic circulation and is quickly excreted by the kidneys.
There is no cumulation in tissues. Cutaneous use of Baziron ® AC in therapeutic doses does not lead to systemic side effects.

Indications for use:


Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Clinical experience with the topical use of benzoyl peroxide during pregnancy is absent or limited. There are also no data on its effects on reproductive function, fertility, or peri- and postnatal development, as well as the teratogenicity and embryotoxicity properties of the drug when used in animals. When used on a large scale clinically for the treatment of acne in mass concentrations up to 10% for several decades, benzoyl peroxide did not cause any effects on these parameters in humans. Benzoyl peroxide should be used in pregnant women only if clearly indicated after consultation with a doctor.

Breastfeeding period
It is not known whether benzoyl peroxide or its metabolites are excreted in human breast milk. A risk to newborns/infants cannot be excluded. To avoid contact of an infant with the drug during breastfeeding, avoid applying Baziron ® AS gel to the chest area.

Directions for use and dosage:

Side effect

All adverse reactions identified during clinical studies are associated with skin disorders. If the frequency of use of the drug is reduced or treatment is discontinued, they are reversible.
The following categories are used to determine the frequency of occurrence of undesirable effects:
Very common (≥1/10)
Common (≥1/100 to Uncommon (≥1/1,000 to Rare (≥1/10,000 to Very rare (

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders Very common (≥1/10) Dry skin
Peeling of the skin (desquamation)
Skin burning sensation
Often (≥1/100 to Itching
Skin soreness (pain, tingling),
Skin irritation (contact dermatitis)
Uncommon (≥1/1,000 to Allergic contact dermatitis
Unknown Swelling of the face

If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions are aggravated or any other side effects not listed in the instructions are noted, you should immediately inform your doctor.


Benzoyl peroxide gel is a drug indicated for external use only. Excessive application of the drug will not lead to faster results or a more pronounced effect, but it may cause severe irritation. In this case, treatment with the drug should be stopped and appropriate symptomatic therapy should be prescribed.

special instructions

When you first use the drug, you may experience a slight burning sensation, and within a few days you may experience redness and peeling of the skin. Most patients experience noticeable peeling of the skin in the first weeks of treatment. This is not dangerous and usually goes away within one or two days if treatment is stopped temporarily. If severe skin irritation occurs, reduce the frequency of application of the drug, temporarily or completely stop using the drug.

When applying the gel, avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and nose. If the drug accidentally gets on the mucous membranes, rinse them thoroughly with warm water. Care should be taken when applying the drug to the neck and other sensitive areas.

The simultaneous use of products with exfoliating, drying or irritating effects (for example, products containing alcohol) is not recommended.

Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight and UV radiation, which are additional causes of skin irritation.

Due to the risk of sensitization, benzoyl peroxide gel should not be applied to damaged skin.

Contact with dyed materials, including hair and dyed fabrics, may cause discoloration or discoloration.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Gel Baziron ® AC does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery.

Release form:

Gel for external use 2.5%, 5%, 10%, 40 g each in a low-density polyethylene tube with a tightly screwed cap.
One tube with instructions for use is placed in a cardboard box.

Best before date:

Storage conditions:

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

Manufacturer's name and address:

Laboratoires Galderma, France,
Zone Industrielle Montdesir,
74540 Alby sur Cheran, France.

Galderma Laboratories, France,
Zone Industriel, Montdesir, 4
74540 Albi-sur-Cheran, France.

Holder of the registration certificate in Russia:

Galderma SA, Switzerland
Zugerstrasse 8, 6330 CHAM Switzerland
Galderma SA, Switzerland
Zugerstrasse 8, 6330 SNAM,

Consumer complaints should be sent to Galderma LLC at the following address:

Russia, 125284, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 31A, building 1, 21st floor, Monarch Business Center

The description is valid on 02.06.2014

  1. Latin name: Basiron AC
  2. ATX code: D01AE01
  3. Active substance: Benzoyl peroxide >


The composition of Baziron AS is as follows: gel 2.5% contains 2.5 g benzoyl peroxide aqueous, in the gel 5% contains 5 g of the active substance, in the gel 10% - 10 g of the active substance.

The gel also contains a number of excipients: poloxamer, methacrylic acid copolymer, glycerol, edetate disodium, carbomer, propylene glycol, sodium docusate, sodium hydroxide, colloidal silicon dioxide, water.

Release form

It is produced as a cream and gel for external use, sold in 40 g tubes, which are packaged in cardboard boxes.

pharmachologic effect

Baziron AC has a pronounced antimicrobial effect on the body, acts against Staphylococcus epidermidis And Propionibacterium acnes. The drug also has comedolytic and anti-inflammatory effects, it activates tissue oxygenation. Under the influence of the product, the secretion of sebum in the sebaceous glands is reduced, ensures the absorption of excess sebaceous secretions and helps moisturize the skin.

Benzoyl peroxide is an active oxidizing agent that provides a bactericidal effect on microorganisms that subsequently can no longer produce strains that are resistant to benzoyl peroxide.

The anti-inflammatory effect of the drug consists of inactivating free radicals at the site where the inflammatory process occurs, as well as in the process of inhibiting free fatty acids.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Benzoyl peroxide does not penetrate the skin particularly well. Basically, benzoyl peroxide gradually turns into benzoic acid. After absorption, it ends up in the bloodstream and is subsequently actively excreted through the kidneys. There is no accumulation in tissues. When applied topically, Baziron AS ointment does not provoke the development of systemic side effects.

Indications for use

The drug is used for acne. The drug is also sometimes used to treat comedones without acne. The ointment is also used for trophic ulcers of the leg.


Contraindications for treatment with the drug are as follows:

  1. high sensitivity to the components of the product;
  2. The patient's age is up to 12 years.

Side effects

In rare cases, the following side effects occur in the place where the product is applied:

  1. skin irritation;
  2. allergic manifestations;
  3. dry skin;
  4. peeling;
  5. burning sensation.

Instructions for Baziron AS (Method and dosage)

The gel is applied to dry and clean skin where there is acne. The ointment should be applied 1-2 times a day. This can be done in the morning or evening. The instructions for use of Baziron contain information that the course of therapy usually lasts three months. The appearance of a therapeutic effect should be expected four weeks after the start of treatment.

If there is such a need, a second course of therapy may be carried out.


If a large dose of the product was accidentally applied to the skin, severe irritation may occur in this area. In case of overdose, the drug should be completely discontinued and symptomatic treatment should be given.


There is no data on how Baziron AS interacts with other medications.

Terms of sale

The drug is available without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The product must be stored in its original packaging, and the storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

Baziron can be stored for no more than 36 months.

special instructions

If the acne remedy Baziron AS causes severe irritation, it must be discontinued and replaced with another drug.

This remedy should not be used for acne on face in places where there is damage to the skin.

If the gel gets into your eyes or onto the mucous membranes of your nose or mouth, you should immediately rinse these areas with warm water.

Do not allow direct sunlight to hit the areas where the drug is applied, as this may cause additional irritation.

It is not recommended to use products that dry out or irritate the skin at the same time as treatment with the drug. During this period it is better not to use scrubs, alcohol-containing products.

Analogues of Baziron AS

The price of the gel is quite high, so very often consumers have a question about whether there are cheap analogues of Baziron AC. To date, there are no domestic analogues of this drug. In some cases, this medicine can be replaced with drugs Desquam, Proderm, Klerasil ultra, Benzakne, Ugresol, Eclaran, which have a similar effect. The price of analogues in some cases is slightly lower than the cost of Baziron.

Which is better: Baziron or Differin?

Active ingredient of the product Differina is adapalene, synthetic analogue vitamin A. The drug does not contain hormonal components or antibiotics. It is used to eliminate comedones, acne in mild to moderate severity. It is better not to use Baziron and Differin together, as this can lead to severe irritation and drying of the skin.

Which is better: Zinerit or Baziron AS?

Zenerite used for acne and contains erythromycin (antibiotic), which has been used for acne for a very long time. Unlike Baziron, Zinerit ointment can be applied to the skin under cosmetics. However, Zinerit can cause an addictive effect, so it can be used for no longer than 3 months, after which a break is necessary.

Which is better: Skinoren or Baziron?

The drug Skinoren is also available in the form of a gel or cream. Its main component is azelaic acid, which also produces a pronounced effect in the process of fighting acne, drying it out on the skin. Gel should be preferred by those with oily skin, cream - by people with dry skin. Skinoren, unlike Baziron, can be applied completely to the entire skin, and not pointwise.

Thus, all these products can actively fight acne. But if a person is faced with the question of what to choose - Skinoren, or Baziron, or Zenerite, it is better to initially consult a doctor and be sure to take into account all individual characteristics.

For children

The gel can be used to treat children over 12 years of age.

During pregnancy

Baziron AS at pregnancy, and also during breastfeeding use is not recommended, since clinical trials of such use of the drug have not been conducted. However, no toxic effects on the fetus were recorded. Therefore, during pregnancy, Baziron AS can be used for treatment only if the expected benefit from such therapy outweighs the potential risk.

Reviews about Baziron AS

People who suffer from acneHaving tried this acne cream, reviews of Baziron AS are mostly positive. Reviews from doctors indicate that the active substance benzoyl peroxide is today one of the most effective means to overcome acne.

The gel very quickly allows you to achieve pronounced results and get rid of acne. This is proven by numerous positive reviews about Baziron AS, before and after photos taken by those who used the ointment according to the instructions.

There is an anti-inflammatory effect of the product, which allows you to quickly dry the skin and eliminate severe acne. Reviews also mention the ability of the product to reduce the severity of spots that remain after acne. The ointment reduces the level of oily skin, which helps prevent the formation of new acne.

Among the disadvantages of the drug, its side effect is mentioned - drying of the skin and the appearance of irritation after frequent use. To avoid this, you need to moisturize your skin more often.

Baziron AS price, where to buy

The price of Baziron gel in pharmacies in Russia averages from 550 to 700 rubles. If this is Ukraine, then the price of Baziron AS in a pharmacy is approximately 250-400 UAH. for one tube. How much the cream costs in pharmacies should be found out at specific points of sale, since its price in Donetsk and Kiev may differ. The cost of the drug in Belarus is higher, since you can only buy analogues of the drug in Minsk, and Baziron AS ointment must be ordered. Baziron AS is also not sold in Kazakhstan; it must be ordered additionally.