Large red pimples on the face

It is unpleasant when inflamed, tuberous infiltrates with purulent contents form on the face, as they bring discomfort in the form of pain, itching and significantly reduce self-confidence. In this article you will find a lot of useful information about why they form and how you can effectively get rid of large red pimples that appear on your face.

What information will you find out:

Causes of defect formation

Often large red pimples cause discomfort in the form of itching.

Throughout life, human skin is constantly in contact with bacteria, viruses, fungi, allergens and other types of microorganisms, and therefore must have strong immune defense. The following provoking factors influencing the formation of red acne are:

  1. imbalance of major hormones in the body;
  2. disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. oily seborrhea with excessive sebum production;
  4. smoking, alcohol abuse;
  5. poor nutrition and violation of its regime;
  6. insufficient and improper facial skin care;
  7. diseases and infections of the genital organs;
  8. demodicosis (subcutaneous mite);
  9. constant stressful situations;
  10. chronic dermatological diseases due to infection;
  11. lack of regular cleaning of the pores of the epidermis;
  12. pathology of the thyroid gland.

Based on numerous studies, it has been found that in women whose bodies produce large amounts of the male hormone testosterone, the skin becomes covered with a large amount of oil, causing the appearance of red acne.

Medical methods of control

It is imperative to contact a dermatologist for a comprehensive examination and tests, based on the results of which the doctor will decide on the type and methods of treatment for the existing skin defect.

Causes of acne on the face

If the cause of the pathology does not lie in a disease of the internal organs, you should consult a cosmetologist. He will conduct an external examination of the patient’s skin and suggest the following types of correction:

  1. professional deep mechanical cleaning of pores using special tools (for example, Uno spoon, Vidal needle). This method is the most effective for eliminating acne, but only if it is carried out correctly, taking into account all the rules, observing sterility and disinfection conditions.

Squeezing out pimples on your own can lead to aggravation of the problem and the formation of new acne, so it is strictly prohibited!

  1. Vacuum cleaning, performed using special devices with nozzles that work on the principle of creating a pressure difference in the pores of the epidermis, due to which contaminants are literally pushed out;
  2. ozone therapy, which helps saturate cells with active oxygen, kill pathogenic microorganisms, thereby quickly stopping the inflammatory process, accelerating local blood circulation and regeneration of skin surface cells. The method makes it possible to get rid of not only acne, but also the red spots that remain after they mature;
  3. Cleaning the skin with ultrasound or laser has many advantages, as it quickly cleanses the epidermis of acne, plugs and other types of contaminants, providing a powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, eliminating possible subsequent infection.

Home remedies

The following home remedies that involve the use of single red pimples on the face will help:

  1. ichthyol ointment, which has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. It has a viscous brown consistency with an unpleasant odor, but has a pronounced effect against all kinds of rashes;
  2. Vishnevsky ointment, applied in a thick layer directly to the pimple itself after cleansing its surface and fixed with a patch. It is necessary to keep such an application on the skin for several hours in a row to achieve the desired result. The product well and quickly draws out pus accumulated in the pores, promotes their deep cleansing, and has a preventive effect;
  3. pharmacy mash, prepared according to a dermatologist's prescription with the introduction of various antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components, provide excellent results, guaranteed to rid the face of red pimples. They involve wiping the skin 2 - 3 times a day with a cotton pad until the defect is completely eliminated;

Ichthyol ointment effectively helps in the treatment of large red pimples

  1. sulfur or zinc paste are active remedies for acne, but are applied exclusively locally, that is, to inflamed nodules. They quickly dry out, accelerate the ripening of acne contents, suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora, and promote rapid healing of wounds;
  2. the drugs Zenerit and Baziron are considered leaders in the effective fight against red pimples, as they contain powerful antibiotics that almost instantly kill the infection and pathogenic microorganisms that cause the formation of ulcers;
  3. salicylic paste containing acetylsalicylic acid, which instantly dries, actively inhibits the growth of bacteria, eliminates the inflammatory process and has a whitening effect to get rid of red spots on the surface of the skin;
  4. lotions with decoctions of medicinal herbs chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, yarrow, oak bark, celandine have an antibacterial, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. They can be included in masks;
  5. a mask made of white or blue cosmetic clay, diluted with water to a paste with the addition of a small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice, perfectly eliminates any rashes. The product has an astringent, anti-inflammatory, whitening and regenerating effect, improves blood circulation and saturates the skin with valuable minerals that significantly increase the immunity of the epidermis;
  6. masks made from raw egg whites, slightly beaten with a fork to activate the composition, with the addition of lemon or aloe juice, will have the necessary effect in a short time, ridding the skin of red pimples;
  7. spot applications of tea tree oil applied to a pimple with a cotton swab show lasting positive results, eliminate any rash and other subcutaneous lumps by improving blood circulation, relieving inflammation, destroying harmful bacteria and accelerating cellular renewal;
  8. Cleaning pores with salt (especially sea salt) helps remove stagnation, eliminate traffic jams, normalize sebum production, and block infections. To do this, apply a small amount of salt to clean, damp skin in areas with acne and begin to gently massage, as if rubbing the crystals into the pores. Keep the composition on the face for about 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with plenty of cool water;
  9. tablets of black activated carbon are ground into powder and rubbed into the epidermis affected by acne in the manner described above, leaving the composition for 20 minutes. Charcoal is a kind of natural filter that absorbs all toxins, impurities and sebaceous plugs, so it helps to quickly remove red pimples from the surface of the face.

Only regular and careful care can get rid of this defect and prevent its reappearance in the future!

Video: How to get rid of acne at home

Red subcutaneous pimples are a very unpleasant type of inflammatory skin changes. Their pathogenesis is always based on several reasons - one factor cannot lead to the appearance of acne.

It follows from this that an integrated approach is required to eliminate and prevent them. One-time measures that eliminate only one cause will help improve the appearance, but will not get rid of the problem for a long time.

Where do they come from?

The mechanism for the appearance of skin defects consists of two main components - disruption of the sebaceous glands and the addition of infection.

The sebaceous glands produce sebum, a substance that is necessary to soften the skin and give it elasticity. If it is produced in excess, the ducts of the sebaceous glands become clogged.

Sometimes this happens very close to the beginning of the duct, and then the “plug” is under the skin - a white subcutaneous pimple is formed. It is painless and does not cause any sensations other than an unpleasant appearance.

An infection can get into the blocked duct, and then the next stage of the disease begins - a red subcutaneous pimple.

This is an inflammation in which normal skin microflora takes part. A red pimple is painful when touched and may itch; the skin around it is healthy or red.

Reasons that lead to the above phenomena:

  1. hormonal pathologies;
  2. imbalance of normal microflora;
  3. poor nutrition;
  4. violation of personal hygiene rules;
  5. decreased immunity.

Video: Useful information

How do they look?

The earliest stage of diagnosing acne is carried out by the patient independently. To do this you need to look in the mirror. Negative changes will be visible immediately.

Red subcutaneous acne is characterized by a number of appearance features:

  1. relatively small size, especially in the early stages;
  2. bright red color in the flowering stage;
  3. pain when pressed;
  4. multiple lesions are possible, with the skin acquiring an unhealthy reddish color and lumpy appearance;
  5. may be accompanied by itching, peeling of the skin;
  6. if similar pimples appear on the face, they can spread to other areas of the body - neck, shoulders, torso;
  7. inability to squeeze out due to too deep location.

Often, several sebaceous glands are affected simultaneously. Multiple lesions look unattractive, are difficult to disguise with cosmetics and do not respond well to the usual home remedies - squeezing and treatment with antiseptics. To completely get rid of them, you need to consult a dermatologist.

How are red subcutaneous pimples diagnosed?

If such formations appear on the face, you need to consult a dermatologist. There is usually no urgent need for this, but acne is very unpleasant and does not go away on its own, so it is important to see a doctor. The specialist begins the diagnostic process with a detailed conversation.

He may ask the patient the following questions:

  1. about the features of skin care and hygiene;
  2. about the duration of the disease;
  3. types of cosmetics used by the patient;
  4. allergies and intolerances;
  5. nutritional features;
  6. about chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, immune system;
  7. frequency of colds;
  8. other inflammatory processes on the skin;
  9. bad habits.

All this can give a hint where to look for the cause of acne. Detailed and truthful answers will save the doctor and patient from the need for a lengthy diagnostic search and help reduce the number of necessary tests.

Laboratory methods require general and biochemical blood tests - they will show possible disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys that could affect the condition of the skin.

You may also need a blood test for hormones - sex hormones, corticosteroids, thyroid hormones. These three groups most often cause deviations in appearance.

It is quite difficult to determine the type of pathogen - the pimple is located under the skin, and it is not possible to take a smear directly from it.

The doctor takes material for bacteriological analysis from the area of ​​skin closest to the pimple. This method is necessary in order to identify the pathogen and determine which drug will be most effective in this case.

How to fight?

Eliminating acne requires a comprehensive approach. Both medicinal methods and recommendations for proper skin care and lifestyle changes are used.

Only a full impact on the body can completely lead the skin to a healthy and beautiful appearance.

If a big pimple on your butt hurts. You need to follow the link.

What to do with your facial skin?

The first thing you should pay attention to is facial care. During treatment (until the acne goes away), the patient needs to completely abandon decorative cosmetics in the area of ​​inflammation.

Foundation, powder and other products do not always mask skin imperfections; moreover, they interfere with the effective cleansing of the ducts of the sebaceous glands, and acne will last longer.

Instead of decorative cosmetics, you should pay more attention to care products. You need to wash your face twice a day – in the morning and in the evening, and also every time after going outside or doing any dirty work.

In this case, you need to use not soap, but special gels and foams for washing. It is advisable to choose those that are designed to care for problem skin or fight acne.

You can use decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs for washing. After washing, the skin is treated with miramistin or chlorhexidine.

Be sure to use nourishing or moisturizing creams daily. They are applied before bed, half an hour before going outside, 20 minutes after washing.

Once every 2-3 days you need to use cleansing facial scrubs - they will remove deep impurities, which are the main cause of acne. After using the scrub, you need to lubricate your face with moisturizer.

What to do with your lifestyle?

It is impossible to completely eliminate harmful factors. However, it is possible and necessary to reduce their impact on the body. First of all, this requires paying attention to nutrition.

You should limit your fat intake. Primarily of animal origin. Vegetable oils, on the contrary, will be useful - they contain vitamins A and E, which are necessary for the skin.

It is advisable to replace sweets with honey and fruits - this is much healthier for the skin. In addition, you should eat more well-digestible foods - dairy products, dietary meat and fish. Eggs are not on this list because their effect on the body is ambiguous.

Do I need to take medications?

If the causes of acne are chronic diseases, pathologies of the skin, immune, endocrine or digestive system, then they should be treated with medication. To prescribe medications, you need to consult a specialized specialist.

To treat acne itself, several groups of drugs are prescribed:

  1. intestinal sorbents and enzyme preparations improve the absorption of nutrients and reduce the amount of toxins entering the blood;
  2. anti-inflammatory drugs;
  3. vitamin preparations to correct the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  4. hormonal medications to normalize hormonal levels;
  5. antibiotics to fight bacteria.

What can't you do?

Acne is not a dangerous disease, however, there are a number of things that are not recommended to be done - it is dangerous for the patient’s health.

  1. Squeezing pimples is ineffective and can cause additional infection. Lead to the spread of the inflammatory process;
  2. use skin antiseptics with a drying effect (alcohol, peroxide, potassium permanganate) - this will lead to even greater dysfunction of the sebaceous glands and deterioration of appearance;
  3. use foundation and powder - this reduces the effectiveness of treatment;
  4. apply burning and irritating substances to the skin - they do not cure acne, but can cause a severe inflammatory reaction;
  5. ignore doctor's recommendations.

These prohibitions are not difficult to implement, but will allow you to avoid complications of acne - scars, bumps on the skin, spread of the inflammatory process to neighboring tissues, boils and phlegmon.

Large pimples on the face appear due to many factors. More often they are teenage rashes or associated with poor skin care.

However, sometimes they occur due to hormonal and other problems, causing pain and abnormality. What else are they associated with and how to treat them? We'll talk about this later.

There are two types of rashes: with inflammation and with or without pus. They can be presented as a single or multiple rash. Dangerous acne is yellow or white with a red outline around it. They contain a purulent secretion, which, when squeezed out, spreads the infection across the face or penetrates the skin into the bloodstream.

Also threatening your health are large red pimples on the face located in the nasolabial triangle, called the “Triangle of Death”. This name is due to the fact that the vessels located in this area go directly to the brain.

When squeezing watery pimples, infectious pathogens enter the brain, which will lead to serious consequences. Therefore, if large acne occurs, contact a specialist and do not squeeze it out.

The question of how to remove acne in a child can also be answered: you need to go to a pediatrician or a dermatologist, who will directly identify the cause of this phenomenon and write a specific treatment for the little patient.


Doctors name the reasons why huge acne appears on the face. They are presented:

  1. hypothermia;
  2. squeezing the facial skin or clogged pores;
  3. poor hair care;
  4. allergies;
  5. dry skin;
  6. hormonal imbalance.

It should be noted that as a result of severe frost, huge red pimples appear on the face, which bring a lot of unpleasant sensations. They appear especially often after leaving a warm room into the cold.

Then there is a risk of catching not only the flu or a cold (which is reflected in the corresponding boils on the face), but also getting inflammation. In any case, the treatment will be long and painful. In this case, apply a protective cream and use other means to take care of yourself and prevent the development of inflammatory rashes.

Huge red pimples on the face can also occur due to uncomfortable clothing and an unhealthy lifestyle. Uncomfortable clothing or hats put pressure on the skin and clog pores, causing excess oil glands. Drinking alcohol and smoking leads to dryness and, as a result, the appearance of a rash.

Localization of rashes on the face

Often the formation of acne indicates emerging health problems. There are main localization areas: forehead, nasolabial part and chin.

So, if they appear in the chin area, this indicates disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland and digestive organs. Large chiri also indicate ovarian diseases in women and hormonal imbalances. In addition, such formations become the first symptom of ARVI.

If a rash appears on the forehead, it is worth checking the functioning of the pancreas, gall bladder and intestines. There may be problems in these areas. Also, the accumulation of large boils on the forehead indicates severe intoxication of the body with harmful substances obtained from food, water or tablets.

How to treat large pimples

How to get rid of them at home? Large internal rashes should be treated by following:

  1. Proper diet. It is necessary to exclude foods with large amounts of fat, sugar, salt and pepper. You should also give up smoked meats and soda.
  2. Healthy lifestyle. You should be in the fresh air as often as possible, walk, play sports and eliminate smoking and alcohol. There is no need to abuse coffee either.
  3. Constant skin cleansing. It is necessary to clean it with special tonics, water, creams and other substances. There should be a separate towel for her. It is also better to change pillows with a feather base, since they harbor mites.
  4. Regular care with medicinal herbs. It is necessary to take care of your face as often as possible using steam baths with calendula, sage, celandine and chamomile. They improve blood flow and prevent hypothermia.
  5. Using high-quality cosmetics with natural ingredients. It is important to forget about using foundation or powder, which clog pores, during treatment.

Also, if huge skin acne appears, you need to go to the laboratory and get tested for subcutaneous mites, since this is what causes them to appear. Skin mites appear when you are young or due to stress.

To get rid of this problem, you need to go to a beauty salon for ozone therapy. It will reduce the sebaceous glands, make acne scars smaller and remove inflammation. In addition, the skin will acquire a healthy tone, become clean and smooth. Germs will be removed during this procedure.


Clear facial skin without rashes is considered the result of care. To keep it that way, you should:

  1. Cleanse your face with toners, water and special makeup removers;
  2. Wash with gel or foam. It is recommended to cleanse your skin with clay masks twice a day.
  3. Moisturize the body, because due to lack of moisture, excess sebaceous glands are formed and it becomes dehydrated. The hydrolipid balance decreases, which counteracts inflammation and infections. Moisturizing normalizes the functioning of the glands and strengthens the tone of the skin.
  4. Refuse to camouflage imperfections with foundation, corrector or powder, even for photos.


A subcutaneous rash or large pimples on the face worsens its appearance and is a symptom of diseases of the body organs. Instead of squeezing out and hiding the problem, it is necessary to begin treatment at home or in a clinic.

It is better to consult a dermatologist to select individual treatment. Home methods are effective, but do not replace full-fledged remedies. Proper treatment along with prevention will allow you to forget the problem and not remember it.