Beclara Core

What is "Beclare" or "Core"?

Greetings, dear readers! Today we will tell you about a new method of preparing an exotic aperitif that can decorate any event and surprise even the most experienced taster. Until recently it was just a word of mouth, but now everything has changed. An amazing remedy called “Beclara or Core” can bring any gourmet to his knees and forever go down in the history of the alcohol industry. Let's find out more about this miracle drink.

The unique two-layer invention "BECELARE" appeared as a result of the most complex scientific work of wizards from deep space. This drink has such magical properties that it has already entered the history of alcohol literature. The inhabitants of the green planets, constantly observing creatures from planet Earth in their failures, often began to call into orbit experts to create something that would be exotic, attractive, and healthy at the same time. Specialists from Beta Discharge thought about this problem for a long time, studying this planet, its culture, the rhythms of life and, of course, the characteristics of its inhabitants. The ancient drink "Alaska", produced by Indian tribes, used to be wildly popular among the inhabitants of cold latitudes. No one could guess what secrets the original bottles of the drink kept. In 20... an unusual expedition of young researchers led by the brave Albert traveled through the glacial deposits of Patagonia. At the parking lot they met an expedition conducting archaeological research. When one expedition met, two met: some with holes and harpoons, and others with shovels and professional equipment of professionals. It soon became clear that the first studies were carried out very close to the finds of those for whom the two expeditions were awaiting. The find is amazing not only for the Earth, but for the entire universe. Almost immediately, our brave guys returned to their planet and reported everything to researchers from another galaxy. Having studied the rare finds, scientists decided to conduct an experiment with the drink that once gave the world these wonderful holes and harpoons. Now with