Bed Capacity

Bed capacity (bed count) is one of the statistical indicators characterizing the capabilities of a diagnostic and treatment institution to provide medical care. This indicator is formed when a sufficient number of beds are created in a hospital for patients of various profiles. These include beds in gerontological and burn departments, cribs and gynecological beds. The number of free places is the number of beds.

It is advisable to divide information about the bed capacity of health care facilities into the following profiles and years.

• surgical profile: the number of beds deployed for surgical treatment in the department;

• therapeutic profile: the total number of therapeutic beds available in the department;

number of staff beds in departments and services of the hospital (hospital) that are not part of the departments according to the profile in which at least

Bed capacity is one of the important characteristics of military medical institutions. What methods of studying bed capacity are currently used will be discussed in this article.

The main criterion for the operation of a military hospital is bed capacity. Determining the bed capacity of a military medical institution is extremely necessary for planning medical activities, determining the needs of medical and personnel personnel, calculating the pace and priority of financing capital costs, etc.

It is advisable to determine the bed capacity of a treatment and preventive hospital on the basis of the bed allocation scheme, by taking into account the main beds for keeping patients and the toxicology department, trauma, cardiology bed and traumatology-orthopedic bed. Combined-arms, central and planned hospitals fully comply with the nature of treatment measures in accordance with the main sections of the combined-arms concept of providing medical care to wounded servicemen and have the appropriate bed capacity. At the same time, tent stations, separately deployed, planned evacuation hospitals - medical and nutritional centers and separate city army hospitals