
Since bedbugs spread typhus, it is necessary to combat them. There is a simple remedy for this: you need to infuse real chamomile flowers in kerosene and lubricate the bed with this infusion and, in general, those places where bedbugs have infested. Another simple remedy for bedbugs: dilute alum in water until saturated and lubricate the places where they are.

From the contracting effect of alum, not only the parasites themselves disappear, but their testicles also burst. Bedbugs are representatives of the class of insects. There are over 40,000 known species of bedbugs that differ in structure and lifestyle. The bug's body shape is oval. There are odorous glands on the body of the bug.

Among the bugs there are predators, parasites (for example, bed bugs), herbivores that harm crops (for example, turtles), and others. Some types of bedbugs are carriers of infectious diseases, for example, triatomine, or kissing, bugs - carriers of American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease).

A bedbug is a blood-sucking parasite that lives in a person’s home. It usually lives in cracks in walls, behind wallpaper, in beds and other places. Reproducing in large numbers and attacking a person at night, the bug deprives him of sleep and normal rest. When sucking blood, the bedbug's saliva gets into the wound, causing irritation and itching.

To combat bedbugs, disinfectants and knocking out furniture and bedding are used. When working with chemicals, precautions must be taken.