Bednara Afty

Bednara Afta was a famous Hungarian physician and professor of medicine at the University of Buda (now Budapest). She was born in 1816 in Hungary and was educated at the University of Vienna, where she studied medicine. After graduating from university, she began her career as a doctor in Vienna and then moved to Budapest, where she worked in a hospital and university.

Bednara Afta is known for her research in infectious diseases, especially tuberculosis. She developed treatments for tuberculosis that were based on a combination of diet and medication. Her work was very successful and she became one of the most famous doctors of her time.

In addition, Bednara Afta studied other diseases such as rheumatism and gout. She also wrote scientific articles and books on medicine, which became very popular among doctors and patients.

In 1868, Bednara Afta received the title of professor of medicine at the University of Budapest. She continued to work at the hospital and university until her death in 1888. Bednara Afta left behind a legacy of scientific work and treatments that are still used by doctors around the world.