
Urethraplasia is a surgical operation to restore the lumen of the urethra (urethra).

Indications for urethraplasia:

  1. Congenital absence (aplasia) or obstruction of the urethra.

  2. Urethral strictures (narrowings) after trauma, inflammatory diseases or iatrogenic damage.

  3. The presence of diverticula (protrusions of the wall) of the urethra.

The goal of urethraplasia is to restore the normal lumen of the urethra and its patency.

The operation can be performed openly or endoscopically. The choice of method depends on the extent and location of the urethral lesion.

With open urethroplasty, scar tissue is dissected and the defect is repaired with a free flap from the surrounding tissue.

Endoscopic methods include bougienage of strictures, stenting (installation of a special stent catheter) and internal optical urethrotomy.

Urethraplasia allows you to restore normal urination and prevent complications associated with urethral obstruction. The success of the operation depends on the cause and extent of the urethral lesion.