Belera Double Extension Machine

The Belera double extension apparatus is a device that is used to treat bone fractures. It consists of two parts that are connected to each other using a special mechanism.

Belera tire is one of the types of belera double extension apparatus. It is used to fix broken bones and prevent them from moving. Belera tire consists of two parts: external and internal. The outer part is attached to the patient's skin, and the inner part is attached to the broken bone.

When using the beler splint, the patient must remain motionless. This is necessary so that the bones can heal properly. In addition, the Belera splint helps reduce pain and discomfort that can occur with bone fractures.

However, using a tire beler has its disadvantages. For example, it can cause discomfort and pain in the patient, especially if he is in a stationary position for a long time. Also, a beler splint can restrict the patient's movement, which can lead to poor circulation and other problems.

Overall, the Belera double extension splint is an effective tool for treating bone fractures, but its use must be strictly controlled and supervised by specialists.

Belera double extension is one of the most common devices used to treat injuries to the musculoskeletal system in children. This device is a device consisting of two parts - a Beler splint, which allows you to fix the damaged area and fix it in the correct position, and an extension splint, which is used to correct deformities of the limbs.

The Beler double extension consists of several elements, including the Beler fixation splint, two movable and adaptive plates and a fixation system that corrects the position of the limbs and fixes them in the correct position. Thanks to this, the device is used to treat various pathologies and bone injuries.