Kaposi-Libman-Sachs Syndrome

Kaposi-Libman-Sachs syndrome

Kaposi-Libman-Sachs syndrome (KLS) is a rare disease characterized by damage to the lymphatic system.

Named after the doctors who first described it: Moritz Kaposi (Hungarian dermatologist), Emmanuel Libman (American doctor) and Benjamin Sachs (American doctor).

The main symptoms of CLS:

  1. Lymphadenopathy is enlargement of the lymph nodes.

  2. Splenomegaly is an enlarged spleen.

  3. Damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

  4. Damage to the lungs and pleura.

  5. Skin manifestations.

The causes of CLS are not completely clear. It is assumed that the disease may be caused by viruses (Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus).

Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture and the results of laboratory and instrumental studies.

Treatment is symptomatic and aimed at relieving the manifestations of the disease. The prognosis is generally favorable.

Nowadays, health problems are increasingly appearing, and all this can affect our financial condition. If your finances are not at the level you would like them to be, then we can help you solve this problem. To do this, I will talk about one such disease from a whole group of skin diseases called Kaposi-Liebmanns-Sachs syndrome. All you need to know about it is that it affects the upper body, is accompanied by high fever, muscle pain, weakness and can be very life-threatening. If this article has piqued your interest, you should take a closer look.