Bella Mania

Bella Mania was an American physician, explorer, anatomist, and naturalist who made significant contributions to the advancement of science and education during her lifetime. Born March 6, 1810, in what is now Virginia, he was educated at the Smithsonian Institution, and in 1834 he completed his studies at the School of Natural Sciences. He initially devoted his career to medicine, but eventually switched to scientific research and became a pioneer in the field of human anatomy.

Mania achieved success in many fields, including anatomy, marine biology, microscopy and mineralogy. He conducted extensive research on the anatomy of internal organs, developed microscopy techniques, invented a method for determining the age of the sea giant, and was the leader of an expedition to explore the Arctic.

One of Bella Mania's most famous works is his map of mitochondria, unique and unparalleled in its accuracy. He described the structure of mitochondria in great detail and introduced the concept of mitochondria in humans. In addition, Mania studied the constituents of granite and developed a method to help determine the source of diamonds.

Bella Mania continued his scientific path after his death. Its archives contain countless records, projects and materials that are used in scientific research to this day. He made numerous

Bella Mania is an American physician who made significant contributions to the development of health science and medicine in the 19th century. She was known for her contributions to the development of the first practice of anesthesiology and was a strong proponent of the idea that many diseases could be cured through drugs and surgery.

Bella Mania was born in 1830 in Holman, New York. Her parents were ordinary farmers who worked the fields and cows to provide for the family. However, Bella managed to find her calling in medicine and began studying with a local doctor. IN

Bella Mania is the name given to patients with delusions of grandeur. Symptoms of megalomania must be combined with symptoms of overvalued ideas of a special kind. From the point of view of defining the disease, it is important that we are talking about two main groups of symptoms - the overvalued idea of ​​another person and the symptoms of delusion that are caused by this overvaluation. The diagnostic criteria for such cases are very difficult. Therefore, if megalomania is suspected, a detailed examination of such a patient by specialists is necessary.

Delusions of grandeur are characterized by ideas about one’s own importance, excessive assessment of oneself in social relationships and one’s business and personal qualities, excessive manifestation of the “divine” right to dispose of others