
Know that one type of eyesore is subtle, it appears on the outer surface and is called a cloud. And the other type is dense and is simply called a thorn. Both types are formed from scarring of an ulcer or pustule when it opens and heals.

Treatment. If the cataract is thin in a patient with a loose body, long-term poultices with hot water should be made and hot bathing in the bathhouse should be used. This is followed by constant licking of the cataract. Sometimes squeezed juice of anemone and small centaury helps. Then they take greater celandine - one part, azhgon - two-thirds of the part and prepare a powder from the whole.

Anzarut, candy sugar, sea foam, aristolochia and bavrak are more powerful; they are ground and applied to the eye. Useful medicines include astrimahun ointment, strong lead ointment, istiftikan ointment and tarahumatikun.

As for an old thick cataract in a patient with a dense body, you must first soften the cataract with the mentioned poultices and washing. It is also necessary to dilute the mentioned ointments, which are applied to the eye, with calamus infusion or a solution of Andaranium salt. They are applied to the eye in the bath. And if bathing in the bathhouse does not bring benefits, then they rub the eye with kitran with burnt copper, preparing an ointment from them, as well as ointment from a deer antler. They also use ointment from the feces of the uromastyx lizard on its own or together with mashakuniya and burnt copper or powder with calcined Andaran salt. Swallow feces are even stronger with honeycomb honey or with honey and gecko lizard feces. This product is sprinkled in the morning and evening. Moderate medicines include citvar wormwood, burnt with sea crayfish and golden kalimiya.

When the thorn deepens, they use greater celandine, usshak, myrrh, uromastyx lizard feces - in equal parts, or magnetite, which is mentioned in the section on pterygoid hymen. Sometimes paints are used to color the walleye. This includes the following: they take fallen flower petals of small pomegranate, akakiya, kalkadis and gum, one uqiya, sulfurous antimony and galls - three dirhams each and dissolve them in water, if they do not find pomegranate flowers, then take the peel of its fruit, calyx or juicy shell dressing the seeds. They also take Gauls and Akakis - two dirhams each, Kalkadis - one dirham and prepare paint from them. Coloring agents include powder of this kind: burnt washed lead, saffron and gum - for a miskal, ash from the cells of a mold for fused copper, washed in rainwater - two miskals, washed copper scale - half a miskal, all this is applied by eye. Another particularly good remedy: four mithqals of kalkatara and green galls are dissolved in water and used repeatedly. Another remedy: take one part of galls and acacia, half of Kalkanda, grind anemones with infusion and apply to the eye.